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#Mindblown: JFA Staff Members Reflect


It's common for us to hear people say, "I’m pro-life, but I can’t tell other people what to do.  Therefore, abortion should be legal."  JFA trainer Rebecca Haschke did a beautiful job of helping a young man reconsider this sentiment in a conversation she described in a recent letter entitled #Mindblown.  Recently, members of JFA’s training team interacted with the topic of Rebecca’s letter.  Here are some of their thoughts (add your own in the comments section):   

On Impact in Conversations

CK Wisner

I can't assume I know what is going on in someone’s heart. We rarely get to see the person change their views in front of us. It is easy to get discouraged and think that no difference is being made. This story reveals that more is going on than we often see. It also causes me to think about the value of being patient in a conversation and working through the arguments with someone.


I appreciate the reminder that we often don't know what's going on in someone's mind or heart during the conversation!


I appreciate her last sentence to Brian.  I probably would have not been bold enough to say that, but it seems to be the sentence that most affected him...It is great how she turns it from "we should limit some choices" to "those of us who know the truth are morally obligated to help."

I have experienced that similar discouragement that is in many cases un-redeemed. However, I am encouraged by the fact that he seemed unmoved by almost everything, but that a single point transformed him.  It makes me eager to keep trying with people who I am discouraged by in order to find the single argument that works for them.

[This conversation] gives me hope. Anyone can be reached with the right approach, so we should not dismiss people as "unreachable" without trying everything we can to reach them.  It is tempting to think that someone will just never get it.  However, there is always something that may trigger their intellect, and it may not be the same thing that triggers mine.

Also, it shows we need to fully describe the consequences of people's views to them.  I am always tempted to stop after giving examples like child abuse.  But I need to take the conversation further like she did, to historical atrocities and our obligations in response to those. 


I would conclude that she felt the same discouragement that many of us feel in our conversations that don't seem to be making progress, but we should be encouraged and trust the Holy Spirit that He is the One who is ultimately guiding our conversations and changing hearts.

Steve Wagner

Note that Rebecca assumed throughout this conversation that Brian was confident and unwavering in his views, but that turned out to be entirely a mistaken impression.  How often do we judge from a person’s body language or from the confidence of their statements that he or she isn’t open to change?  How often do we move on from the conversation too early, when laboring a little longer with a person might produce change?  We tend to trust our impressions, but stories like this remind me that I am better off assuming my impressions about what’s going on inside someone’s mind aren’t reliable.  Since we don’t want to waste time with those who have hardened hearts either, we would be wise to be in a spirit of prayer, depending on the Holy Spirit to help us judge rightly when to keep laboring with a person and when to exit the conversation.

I think the main conclusion I draw from this conversation and Rebecca's reflection about discouragement is that we are too confident in the midst of conversations that we know what the other person is thinking.  I think we, especially if we are professionals-at-dialogue, think more of our powers of perception than we ought.  I think our powers of perception are pretty limited when it comes to figuring people out.  We constantly seek the knowledge (control?) of what the other person is thinking, and we settle on some explanation or account of it.  I think we do this instinctively, without effort.  We need an answer on "is this making an impact on the person," so we draw a conclusion.  And, I believe, we draw this conclusion many times too hastily.  Really, we don't have much evidence usually about what's going on for the person.  Their body language is something, but it's really not as clear as we think.  Their eye contact is something, but it too can cause us to draw hasty conclusions.  Their words and phrases and responses are something, but they also usually provide too little information to draw much of a conclusion about.  The very thing we so need in order to feel equilibrium in the conversation, to get direction for what to say next, is the very thing that's inaccessible to us, which is the inner self-awareness of the person's mental states.  And people are very good at hiding them.  So, in sum, I think this reminds me to give thanks for the black box of a person's heart, which is not accessible to me, trusting God to use me, move me, and remove me from the conversation as he sees fit.

On Rebecca's Conversational Strategy

CK Wisner

You can see Becca's strategy in this conversation from the questions she asked (note: I took some liberties in summarizing):

  • What reasons do your Christian beliefs give you that cause you to believe abortion is wrong?
  • Do you believe the unborn is biologically human?
  • Is the unborn a human being like you and me?
  • Do you think it is ever right for the government to take away a "choice"?
  • Should these specific "choices" (ones that protect people) be taken away by the government?
  • Do we agree that there are some "good" laws?
  • Should the government uphold those "good" laws, even if they are based on your religious belief?
  • Can we agree that a "good" law would be protecting human rights?
  • If the unborn is a human, shouldn't we protect her human rights?
  • If this is true, and you can help, don't you have an obligation?

Catherine Wurts

It seemed Becca's basic strategy was to establish the common ground that one's religion (or lack thereof) should not keep them from endorsing laws against crimes like child abuse, and then to make the logical case that laws against abortion fit in this same category.

Tammy Cook

Becca was very bold in her last question to Brian and we should perhaps be courageous to be bold like she was!  I think this paragraph also reflects Becca's beautiful spirit of humility.


Becca's conversational strategy was essentially a "Trot Out the Toddler."  She sought clarification regarding the circumstances in which Brian thought it was okay to force beliefs on people in law (circumstances in which born people are being harmed) and then why (because we should protect human beings and human rights).

So, one might put her strategy this way: 

Pro-Choice: I can't force my beliefs on others so we shouldn't make laws against abortion.

Pro-Life: It sounds like you're trying to be charitable in a pluralistic society.  You think generally we shouldn't force people to do things or agree with us when they don't in fact want to do those things or don't actually agree with us.

C: That's right.

L: I agree with your sentiments in this sense: I don't want to force people to be Christians or force them to participate in religious services or to sign a confession of belief in things they don't believe.  These are things that should be left to free will. [Agree]

C: Cool.

L: Imagine though that some adults in our city are being killed.  For example, on this college campus.  Can we pass laws to protect them? [Apply]

C: Sure.

L: Why? [Ask Why]

C: Life is sacred.

L: I agree, but what about all of the people in our country who don't believe anything is sacred.  Is there any reason we could give to them that would lead them to think we should make killing people illegal? [Ask Why, elaborated]

C: Sure, human rights.

L: So, we can force people to respect human rights of adults?

C: Sure.  We definitely can.

L: Do they have human rights based on their development or based on the kind of thing they are, the kind of nature they have? [Ask Why, elaborated]

C: They have human nature, so they have human rights.

L: I agree.  So isn't that the issue with abortion then?  If the unborn have human rights, then shouldn't the unborn be protected by law?  You could force your views on people then, in the sense that you could force them to not kill those unborn people. [Ah] 

C: I already said the unborn are human beings with human rights.  #Mindblown.

So, one thing I like about Becca's dialogue here is that it gives a more realistic picture of how a Trot Out the Toddler (our moniker for "reductio ad absurdum") looks with the non-straightforward "can't force my beliefs" idea. 

Can We Tell Other People What to Do? (#MindBlown)

In election seasons, it is very common for people to talk about what the law should be on abortion.  When that is the topic, it is also very common to hear some version of the following sentiment:

“I’m pro-life, but I can’t tell other people what to do.  Therefore, abortion should be legal.”

JFA trainer Rebecca Haschke did a beautiful job of helping a young man reconsider this sentiment in a conversation she described in a recent letter entitled #Mindblown.  In this man’s case, he felt that because he had religious reasons for his point of view on abortion, he was disqualified from making a case that abortion should not be legal.  I think you’ll be encouraged to see how this young man came to see things differently in just minutes.  In the process, you’ll witness Rebecca’s manner, and you’ll learn a sequence of questions you can ask when you confront this sort of concern in conversations with friends and neighbors.

Members of JFA’s training team interacted with the topic of Rebecca’s letter recently.  You can read some of their reflections and post your own at the JFA blog.


By Rebecca Haschke, Training Specialist (November 2015, with Rebecca’s Introduction Edited Slightly for Clarity in Summer 2020)

Introduction: In election seasons, it is very common for people to talk about what the law should be on abortion. When that is the topic, it is also very common to hear some version of the following sentiment: “I’m pro-life, but I can’t tell other people what to do. Therefore, abortion should be legal.” JFA trainer Rebecca Haschke did a beautiful job of helping a young man reconsider this sentiment in a conversation she described in a recent letter entitled “#Mindblown” (below). In this man’s case, he felt that because he had religious reasons for his point of view on abortion, he was disqualified from making a case that abortion should not be legal. I think you’ll be encouraged to see how this young man came to see things differently in just minutes. In the process, you’ll witness Rebecca’s manner, and you’ll learn a sequence of questions you can ask when you confront this sort of concern in conversations with friends and neighbors. - Steve Wagner, Executive Director (April 2016 Impact Report)

I met “Brian” at the University of Georgia-Athens. He confidently stated he was pro-life. I mentioned this conversation briefly in my March newsletter earlier this year, "Give Thanks In All Circumstances," because of what Brian said next. He shared that he was pro-life and a Christian, but that he felt he could not “force his beliefs on others.”

This response is not an unusual one. I’ve heard it many times. Hearing it as often as I do can be discouraging, which is why I took the time in March to reflect on the need to give thanks in all circumstances, not just the circumstances that seem uplifting and enjoyable.

Rebecca Haschke interacts with a student at the University of Georgia at Athens in September 2015.

The conversation with Brian didn’t end there, though. Look at what happened: 

Brian: I’m pro-life.

Becca (me): Brian, what does that mean for you? Do you think abortion should be illegal?

Brian: No, we can’t force our beliefs on others.  I’m pro-life because I’m a Christian, but legally enforcing my stance on abortion would push my religion on people who don’t believe the same as me.

Becca: Brian, you mentioned that it is because you are a Christian that you are pro-life.  Do your Christian beliefs give you reasons for thinking that abortion is wrong?

Brian: Of course.  Human life is sacred.  God created those human lives, they are valuable, and we should not kill them.

Becca: I agree with those statements.  From what you just said it seems that you may believe the unborn are human beings biologically.  Is that true?

Brian: Yeah, absolutely.

Becca: Human beings like you and me?

Brian: Yes.

Becca: When do you believe that the unborn become biological human beings like you and me?

Brian: [He walked up to the Justice For All Exhibit and pointed at a picture of fertilization.] From the very beginning.  Conception.

Becca: Okay.  Brian, can you explain to me why you think that you would be pushing your religious beliefs on others if you supported laws that would protect unborn human beings from being killed through abortion?

Brian: Well, women have a lot of difficult choices that they have to make in their lives.  Choice is an important thing.  If we make a law against abortion, we are taking away their right to that choice.  That’s like pushing my views on them.  They no longer would have the right to choose.

Becca: That’s true.  The choice to kill their children in utero would no longer be granted to women.  I’m curious.  Do you think that it is ever right for the government to make a law that takes away a “choice”?

Brian: Uh…no?

Becca: Well, do you agree that the laws that make it illegal to walk onto this campus and kill college students are good laws?

Brian: Of course.

Becca: I agree.  However, when enforcing that law, the government is taking away particular choices of other people.  What about laws prohibiting beating children in the privacy of your own home?  Are those good laws?

Brian: Yes, yes.  Those are good laws.

Becca: What if it is just your religion that makes you think that it is wrong to beat children?  Should you have the right to impose and force your religious beliefs on me?

Brian: Yes, because those laws protect others from being harmed.  That’s not just a religious belief.  It is a law protecting human rights.

Becca: So we can agree that laws which restrict “choice” in order to protect human lives are good, despite the fact that your support of those laws might be based on religious beliefs?  It’s possible that our religious beliefs may guide us to the same conclusion as those who don’t share those beliefs—the conclusion that all human lives should be protected.  That wouldn’t be forcing our religion on others, but simply protecting human rights.  Can we agree on that?

Brian: Yes, we can.

Becca: If it is important for us to protect human life and if the unborn are just as human and valuable as you and me, shouldn’t they also be granted that same protection under the law?

Brian: Wow.  Yeah, I guess.  I just have always thought that would be imposing my beliefs on others.

Becca: [I then pointed to pictures in the JFA Exhibit Brochure depicting various genocides throughout history.]  Brian, do you think that people who were not victims of the injustices shown in these pictures had an obligation to stand up for those who were being killed?

Brian: Yes.

Becca: I’m going to make a proposal.  Brian, not only is it right for you to believe that abortion should be illegal because it takes the life of a human being; but actually—as a person who has the knowledge that 1) the unborn is a human being and 2) over a million are killed each year in the country in which you reside—you have an obligation to speak up for those humans who are being killed.

(silent pause)

Brian: #MindBlown [hashtag: Mind Blown].

It was as if he had finally been given permission to defend the lives of innocent human beings that he understood were valuable, permission to voice his opinion without shame. Relief and amazement radiated from his eyes.

Brian’s final response took me by surprise.  From the start of our conversation he seemed so confident in his belief that it is wrong to enforce laws telling others what they can and cannot do.  Until that final moment in our conversation, the questions I had asked him did not seem to be creating any change of mind or heart.  When he looked at me and said, “#MindBlown,” his entire demeanor changed.  It was as if he had finally been given permission to defend the lives of innocent human beings that he understood were valuable, permission to voice his opinion without shame.  Relief and amazement radiated from his eyes.

The culture in which we live is permeated with the belief and mantra that we cannot tell others what to do.  Thank you for your support that not only helps us challenge the beliefs of those who do not think the unborn are valuable human beings, but also helps us encourage the students who recognize the unborn are valuable, but do not feel they have the right to share that belief with others.

Note: Members of JFA’s training team interacted with the topic of Rebecca’s letter recently. You can read some of their reflections and post your own at the JFA blog.