JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Three Tips for Helping Volunteers Stay Active for the Long-Term

1. Clarify What and Why.

2. Keep the Goal in View, but Be Satisfied to Do Your Part.

3. Be Relational, then Be Intellectual.

More Helpful Links:

Read the series of letters Steve wrote to explain the tips listed above:

One Person at a Time

In this Impact Report, we share the names and pictures of some of the people with whom our team interacted in 2022. Please join us in praying that God will take the seeds we planted and change the world, one person at a time. Pray each person would love and protect the children in their care. Pray for healing from past hurts, and pray each heart would become open to God.

Would you join us in committing to pray for each of these people in the coming months?

You can use the images below (7 total) to pray through the list from your phone or other device with us this year?

To view more pictures and read recent stories of conversations, see other recent posts on the JFA blog.

There’s still time to give a year-end gift to help Justice For All train many Christians to reach one person at a time in 2023. Thank you for supporting our team and for praying along with us.