JFA Blog — Justice For All

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A Breakthrough at the Water Pump

Dear Friend of JFA,


Recently my family invited me to watch a more recent version of a movie I saw in grade school (The Miracle Worker, Disney, 2000). The movie tells the story of Helen Keller, a blind and deaf seven-year-old, and her teacher, Anne Sullivan. In contrast to many in Helen’s life who saw her as a hopeless cause, Anne tenaciously labored to draw out Helen’s incredible intelligence and potential.

Imagine the challenge of teaching language to someone who is blind and deaf! Anne felt at many points like she was getting nowhere. Over and over she would spell with sign language into the palm of Helen’s hand, and over and over it seemed that even though Helen imitated beautifully, she did not comprehend the meaning of the hand signs. Then one day Anne and Helen experienced a breakthrough at the water pump. In The Story of My Life, Helen described it:

Suddenly I felt a misty consciousness as of something forgotten — a thrill of returning thought; and somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!

We create conversations about abortion, longing for every person to experience this same moment of comprehension. While many have dismissed pro-choice advocates both within and outside our church communities as a hopeless cause, we train pro-life advocates to labor with each person, not discouraged when one approach doesn’t work. Some have called Helen’s experience a miracle. That’s apt. In the same way, while we labor with the best dialogue tools we have, we also rely on God to work a miracle in each person’s worldview. Thank you for partnering with us to help the blind and the teacher of the blind alike, that many may “come to see” the inherent value of every human being.

- Steve Wagner, Executive Director

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Stephanie Gray: Featured Resources and Conversation Starters

Stephanie Gray in conversation at a JFA outreach event at Purdue University in 2017

Over the years, JFA has highlighted several resources and conversation starters featuring our friend, Stephanie Gray. Click the link above to explore and share those posts.

Stephanie Gray is an acclaimed international pro-life speaker. In 2017 she was a presenter for “Talks at Google” speaking on abortion, and in 2019 she took part in the La Ciudad de las Ideas debate about abortion in Mexico (highlights from both events appear in our featured posts, linked above). Stephanie is also the author of Love Unleashes Life. You can learn more about Stephanie’s work at www.loveunleasheslife.com.

Responding to "I can't tell other's what to do."

In “Two Buckets,” Tammy Cook shares one concept that helps people who are reluctant to say abortion should not be legal because “I can’t tell others what to do.”  Through the conversation, which Tammy shares in vivid detail, she also models a number of other important conversational tools.