Steve Wagner

Steve interacts with a student at JFA’s May 2023 outreach event at UCLA.
Steve Wagner is the Executive Director of Justice For All (JFA). In full-time pro-life work for more than 20 years, Steve has regularly engaged abortion-choice advocates in dialogue, logging thousands of conversations and presentations on 70 university campuses. Steve’s passion is training Christians to love the woman, the child, and the abortion-choice advocate equally at every moment of every conversation.
Steve is the author of Common Ground Without Compromise: 25 Questions to Create Dialogue on Abortion (2008), and he contributed to Apologetics for a New Generation (2009) and the Apologetics Study Bible for Students (2010, 2017). (See to download his book for free.) Prior to his work at JFA, Steve served as a speaker at Stand to Reason ( A native Californian, Steve now resides with his wife, Rebeccah, and their five children in the Washington, D.C. area. In his spare time, Steve enjoys good coffee, the antics of his kids, writing songs, and thinking of ways to surprise people.
Recent Posts by Steve

In this Impact Report, we feature highlights from Justice For All (JFA) events that took place from March to September. Each highlighted event illustrates the way smaller training teams can help us make a bigger impact. We’ve found that empowering our trainers to do events on their own helps our team to be nimble and ready to meet the great need all over the country for good dialogue training—training that includes outreach whenever possible.
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Featured Newsletters
June 2012
I've recounted what was said in a short conversation that changed Bryndan's mind.
October 2012
When two sisters signed opposite sides of our poll table, I engaged them in conversation and discovered a startling similarity between them: behind their initial "yes" and "no," their positions were almost exactly the same. This newsletter tells the story and details the questions I asked bring clarity and find common ground.
July 2013
This newsletter describes the first part of a conversation with a pro-choice student at UTSA in detail, including how he came to reject viability as the point when we gain human rights.
November/December 2013
This newsletter describes the second part of a conversation with a pro-choice student at UTSA in detail, including how he came to say that abortion should not be legal, even in the case of rape.