20 Conversation Stories
I just sent this to our email list:
20 conversation stories (that you'll be glad you read) as a reminder to give a gift (that you'll be glad you gave)
As I thought about how to remind you to give a year-end gift to help JFA make abortion unthinkable one person at a time, I thought I'd point you to five collections of easy-to-digest conversation stories available for free on our website, like all of our other resources. These collections follow the train of thought of JFA's acclaimed "Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue" seminar.
I'm confident these will both encourage and equip you, and I hope you'll partner with JFA today by giving a generous gift!
Facing Abortion
Four Conversation Stories Illustrating the Importance of Pictures
Three Essential Skills
Four Conversation Stories Featuring Listening, Asking Questions, and Finding Common Ground
Trot Out the Toddler
Four Conversation Stories Teaching Readers to Refocus the Conversation
Living Human Organism
Three Conversation Stories Teaching Readers to Defend the Unborn as a Human Being, Biologically Speaking
Equal Rights Argument
Six Conversation Stories Illustrating the Equal Rights Argument
Note: This post originated in an email message to friends and supporters of JFA on Dec. 31. It was posted on January 2, 2017 and backdated to reflect the original.