Smaller-Scale Events Help JFA Reach More Leaders
JFA has been known for using very large exhibits to train Christians to become leaders in their communities, creating dialogue that changes hearts and minds on abortion. While we are still willing to use any of our three large exhibits when training large groups, we now also have many small-scale signs in our tool kit that allow us to divide into smaller teams and visit more regions and campuses, and sometimes we even have events happening in different cities on the same day. (See our “JFA Events at a Glance: Spring 2019” list for a complete list of events.) In this Impact Report, we show just a sampling of some of these smaller-scale events and the leaders they allowed us to train and encourage. Some of our volunteers even joined us multiple times in one semester!
Our smaller outreach signs enhance indoor events like the one at South Dakota State University.
In Louisiana, JFA Fellow Amy Grace (yellow scarf) engages a passerby while two other conversations happen near the poll table. Amy Grace also just completed a week intensive in Wichita in July.
Thomas (left) is a high school student in Georgia. He was electrified by the “Three Essential Skills” presentation he attended in March in a JFA supporter’s home and decided to make it a priority to attend the JFA seminar and outreach events at Kennesaw State during the next week.
Julia (front left), Rebekah (front center), Kaitlyn (blue), and Moriah (right) joined JFA for outreach at UNM in Albuquerque. Moriah interned with JFA in 2017, and Julia shared some of her story in our February Impact Report ( Kaitlyn is now raising support to work for JFA from Michigan, and Rebekah is raising support to travel to JFA events.
Esther (left) joined a small JFA team as we partnered with Master Plan Ministries for outreach at Fort Lewis College in beautiful Durango, CO.
At Johns Hopkins in Maryland in April, Steve Wagner (not pictured) helped Elisabeth (center) and her club create conversations with fellow students.
Susanna (right) also participated in two outreach events at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. An intern with JFA in 2017-2018, Susanna is now raising support to work as a JFA trainer in Washington, D.C.!
Peyton (left) joined us for outreach at UCLA to learn to come alongside those who are tolerant of abortion and help them love unborn children and their mothers.
Paul Kulas (center) traveled to South Dakota in the dead of winter (!). He reported an outdoor temperature of 3 degrees the afternoon of the workshop he led. Good thing the SDSU students reserved indoor space for the outreach event!