JFA Blog — Justice For All

New here? Our Stories Page is a great place to start!

Unburied Treasure (Part 3)

Here are some other great places on the website to check out: 

Unburied Treasure (Part 2)

In the shadow of the Justice For All Exhibit, Ashley found that God was doing a special work in her life, even as he was working through her to bring hope and healing to three others.

Ashley’s story is one of my favorite treasures that we’ve recently “unburied” from JFA’s archives and posted on the JFA website (www.jfaweb.org) to illustrate how God has used JFA (and in this case the big Justice For All Exhibit) through the years.  Go on a treasure hunt at the following pages:

  • At JFA’s “Stories” page you can find Ashley’s story, Christina’s story (“Thank you ... you’ve given me my life back.”), Jinny’s story (“…sorry if I was a little harsh on you…Anyways I think I'm keeping the baby!”), and more.

  • The Stories page has sections that are also their own pages. “Dialogue Examples” is a great place to find over 30 word-for-word accounts of conversations experienced by JFA’s staff and volunteers. “Testimonies” features Amanda Coles sharing about a baby she helped save, quotes from our Twitter feed, and links to many volunteer reflections.

  • The “Explore Resources” page allows you to quickly find many of the resources available through JFA’s website for free.

Check out these stories and resources.  Every page of our website is easy to read on any device (“responsive”) and easy to share with friends on Facebook and other social media sites.  (See www.jfaweb.org/unburied-treasure for more links to more pages.) 

Please don’t miss Ashley’s moving story.  It is sure to increase your confidence that God is concerned about and at work among those with shame from unplanned pregnancy and abortion.  As we are in the midst of building new big exhibits, we pray that God will use these tools to help volunteers like Ashley bring hope and healing to many more students in the coming year.

Note: For ministry notes about recent JFA activities, see this separate post.

Ministry Notes for January 2016

We’re hard at work on three projects this month:

  • Pro-Life Movement Events (January 21-24, 2016): JFA staff members are making connections with pro-life students and organizations at the March for Life events and at the Students for Life conferences in both Washington D.C. and San Francisco.  JFA is also attending the Evangelicals for Life conference in Washington D.C.  Read our updates from these events on our blog (www.jfaweb.org/blog) or on Facebook (www.facebook.com/trainthousands).
  • New Exhibits: We’re aiming to finish the design, printing, and construction of two exhibits by the end of March.  Pray for wisdom as we select panels.  If you’d like to learn more about the specifics of the project or if you have an interest in contributing financially to help make it a reality, please see www.jfaweb.org/invest or contact me (316-683-6426).
  • Planning JFA’s 2016 Calendar: Pray for our connections with college students and college ministries.  We’ll update you soon with the specifics of our 2016 calendar.

Note: These ministry notes were meant to accompany the JFA Conversations Letter for January 2016.  The monthly letter is available on the JFA Blog, and you can sign up to receive the monthly letter in your inbox or mailbox here.