Taking Paul to Heart — Justice For All

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Taking Paul to Heart

2013 summer interns from top left:  Hannah Williamson, Gabi Vehrs, Katie Worley,   CK Wisner, Sarah Dufresne, Holly Meath


We can't end abortion by sending just a few JFA staff members to dialogue lovingly and persuasively with pro-choice people. Even taking trained volunteers with us will not be enough. In order to see a major change in our culture, we must entrust what we have learned to extraordinary volunteers who will go on to train others as well.

The words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, his young disciple, have shaped how we have trained pro-life ambassadors at JFA over the years: “What you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Tim. 2:2).

This summer’s internship program brought six of these faithful people together so we could put Paul’s principle into practice. Here is what some of our interns and training staff had to say about the experience.

The summer internship was literally life- changing.  I think differently, I talk differently, and, by the grace of God, I believe I'm more effective in training people and more effective in conversations at outreaches.        -CK Wisner

We spent the summer teaching, training, doing outreach, actively seeking to serve the Lord, to serve women, and to serve unborn babies inside the womb...  I remember how those in our groups were responding to the information.  I will never forget the way that certain individuals looked at me with curious and inviting eyes that reflected hearts willing to learn, to grow, and ultimately to love.  I realized in a very tangible way what a great gift and great responsibility it is to teach and equip hearts and minds with the truth about abortion.     -Sarah Dufresne

The interns exceeded my expectations all summer...  They were so good when they got up to teach during our seminars that I almost fell off my chair a couple of times.  I’m looking forward to seeing what God will do through them in the future.     -Tim Brahm, Staff Trainer

 In another letter Paul exhorts Timothy to teach the truth, and then says, “Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example...” (1 Tim. 4:12).  Intern Katie Worley expressed how she is taking this advice to heart:

The...workshops were one of the greatest learning and growing experiences I’ve had so far at JFA.  With my new improved skills, I’m excited to return to school and better train the members of my club...  My favorite part [is] showing young people that just because they’re young doesn’t mean they can’t make a difference in the fight to end abortion. -Katie Worley

Thank you for supporting our mission and for enabling our team to take Paul’s advice to heart.  With your help we can continue to invest in these young disciples who are training others to be gracious, persuasive ambassadors for life.

- Catherine Wurts