What Did Baby Jesus Look Like at 7 Weeks? — Justice For All

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What Did Baby Jesus Look Like at 7 Weeks?

Many people are curious to know what Jesus looked like.  Though it may be difficult to know what Jesus looked like when he walked the earth, it may be easier to see something of what his appearance must have been like when he was a seven-week-old baby in Mary's womb.  And what better time for this than the season of Advent?  Click on the image nearby to reveal video at EHD of a baby at seven weeks and four days from fertilization.

To see this imagery on your smart phone, we suggest downloading the stellar "See Baby Pregnancy Guide" app.  In the app, you can find interesting facts about the embryo at different stages of development, including a heartbeat count.  How many times had Jesus's heart beaten by 7 weeks?  Find out in the app (or learn more here).  You can also use EHD's heartbeat calculator to compare your heartbeat count.

(HT: JFA staff member Bubba Garrett.  We featured a similar post about four-week embryos last month.)