Pray with JFA (June) - Current Projects
Pray for More Advocates and More Conversations Through All of JFA’s Projects:
Here are a few of our projects and needs for which you can pray specifically this month:
Outreach Events: UCLA (May 20-22) & Wichita State University (June 26)
Upcoming Workshops in MI, KS, TX, & PA: Find more event information on JFA’s Calendar page.
New Staff: Kaitlyn Donihue and Susanna Buckley recently accepted positions to work for JFA (in Michigan and the Washington, D.C. region respectively). Pray that God would quickly bring in the monthly support they need. Go to our Donate Page if you would like to help.
JFA Trainers Raising Support: All of JFA’s trainers are working to raise additional support during the summer. Pray that we can successfully connect with many people.
25 Churches & 50 Families: We’ve recently released a lesson plan that can help you and your friends to teach K-4 students to identify with and love unborn children. Pray with us for 25 churches and 50 families to download and teach the lesson plan this summer. Pray they would give us feedback as we work to expand the reach of the lesson to thousands more soon. Click here for more information.
Kaitlyn Donihue (left) recently accepted a position to work for JFA in Michigan.
Susanna Buckley (middle) recently accepted a position to work for JFA in Washington D.C.