References — Justice For All

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Stephanie Gray Connors

Author & Speaker - Love Unleashes Life

"JFA does a magnificent job forming students to be winsome and persuasive when engaging the culture on abortion.  I deeply appreciate how they communicate truth with grace and I heartily recommend them." (2015)

Author and speaker Stephanie Gray Connors of Love Unleashes Life has joined JFA more than once over the years; most recently, she joined JFA at Purdue University in 2017. As of 2024, she has published four books, including Love Unleashes Life and My Body for You: A Pro-Life Message for a Post-Roe World.


Alan Shlemon

Speaker - Stand to Reason

“Justice For All (JFA) is one of the few organizations doing the work of systematically training pro-life people how to persuasively, yet graciously engage those sympathetic to abortion. JFA goes beyond head knowledge by creating opportunities to practice the art of pro-life persuasion with real people who disagree with you. They don’t just throw you out on your own but guide you every step of the way. This is what real training looks like.” (2024)

Alan Shlemon (right) serves as a Speaker at Stand to Reason (STR), and he has participated in a number of JFA outreach events over the years. Pictured above, he interacts with a student at JFA’s UCLA outreach in May 2016. See Stand to Reason’s website for more about STR and Alan.

Trent Horn

Author & Speaker - Catholic Answers, Counsel of Trent Podcast

"JFA's training and outreach helped make me the pro-life advocate I am today. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone interested in learning how to defend the unborn check out their program." (2015)

Trent Horn served as an intern with Justice For All from 2009 to 2010. He now serves as an Apologist with Catholic Answers, and hosts his own podcast, The Counsel of Trent. He has written numerous books. Pictured above, Trent (center) examines the evidence presented by a student in a very animated dialogue during JFA’s outreach at the University of Texas at San Antonio in February 2009. Also pictured is JFA trainer Jon Wagner (left).

Aaron Ferguson

Teacher & Coach - Christian Heritage Academy

“Justice For All is the best thing we do as a school.” (2015)

Note: Aaron serves as a teacher and coach at Christian Heritage Academy (CHA) in Del City in Oklahoma. He also leads the Salt and Light program at the school. As of 2023, JFA has been training students every year since 2007 at the school. For more about JFA’s work with CHA, see “Crippled by Fear? Rise and Do Feet Work” and “The Student Becomes the Trainer”

Spencer Stewart

Teacher - Veritas Christian School

“It obviously interrupts the flow and takes a chunk of time away from our regular content, but I believe it is worth it, without a doubt.  In terms of scope and severity, I consider abortion to be the greatest injustice on the planet, and God’s people are called to partner with Him in seeking justice, especially for the weakest and most vulnerable among us.  With this issue, I believe partnering with Justice For All is the best way to do that, especially because they also work to connect students who are considering abortion (or who need healing from one) with local pregnancy care centers.  We are wired to be heroes, and we can literally save lives at these outreaches, and in our daily walk, once we have been prepared in this way.  I pray that more and more churches and schools will open themselves up to be blessed by JFA and equipped for life on mission.” (2018)

Spencer Stewart serves as a teacher at Veritas Christian School in Lawrence, Kansas. Pictured above, Spencer interacts with a student at JFA’s outreach at University of Kansas in April 2015. For more about JFA’s work with Veritas, including quotes from students, see,“Worth the Interruption.”

Chris Haynes

College Pastor, Trinity Baptist Church (Norman, Oklahoma)

"It is just a clump of cells.  It is not a baby.  My body, my right!  Have you ever wanted to know how to respond in a loving, Biblical way to these questions?  Have you ever wanted to train your group, youth, college students, or church?  Let me suggest you contact Justice for All (JFA).  This group has been training hundreds of people for years in the tactics of speaking the truth in love about the issue of abortion.  I know of no other group that does such an outstanding job of training and then guiding teams of people through the actual process of dialogue.  If you have one day and JFA training [team] comes close to you, don’t miss the opportunity.  Our church and specifically college students have been equipped to now be on campus and have meaningful, life changing conversations.” (2015)  

Note: Chris is the college pastor at Trinity Baptist Church in Norman, OK.  You can read Chris's 2008 letter regarding Justice For All here.

Chris Haynes (right) interacts with a student at University of Oklahoma during a JFA outreach event in March 2015.

"JFA is the most effective pro-life training organization I have ever worked with in my thirty years of pro-life work."

-Father Brendan Rolling, Benedictine College, 2011

Read Father Brendan Rolling's letter about JFA.

 "I really do feel like I got to do what Jesus would have done."

- Allan Taylor (Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church Woodstock), 2010

 See a video of Allan Taylor's reflection.

 “I have met with Justice For All and give my support to their mission in changing minds and hearts of the young on the most critical issue facing our society today...The medical and emotional consequences of abortion are shown in a loving and non-condemning manner...”  

- Archbishop Chaput (Denver Archdiocese), 2008  

Read Archbishop Chaput’s Letter

“I have watched students feel the tug of the Holy Spirit as they minister to someone who is obviously hurting from their own wounds of abortion. They love in word, action, and tone of voice.  As long as God makes this relationship available we will continue to support and partner with JFA - watching God’s hand work in the lives of young people.”  

-  Chris Leland (Director, Focus on the Family Institute), 2008

Read Chris Leland’s Letter