Small Decisions and Big Results
Grace Fontenot and Clare Lavergne, two young women from Louisiana, had only been interns with JFA for two months, but they had already been inspired by JFA’s emphasis on creating conversations about abortion every week. The goal? Help those who are pro-choice come to their own settled conclusion that abortion is unthinkable, and help those who are pro-life become active advocates for unborn children.
How did Zachary (second from right) get here? Click here to read the story.
Seeing that there was one week in their internship with no outreach event scheduled, Grace and Clare grabbed a survey clipboard and headed to Wichita State University to start conversations. Clare described what happened next:
“After a few surveys that resulted in one lengthy conversation about abortion, we asked a few more students to take our survey, but they declined. So we decided to ask one final person before leaving campus. The student whom we happened upon was Zachary Lee-Watts.