Changed Minds — Justice For All

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Changed Minds

Paul Kulas interacts with two students at the University of Oklahoma in November 2015.

Paul Kulas interacts with two students at the University of Oklahoma in November 2015.

In my November newsletter, "Unfinished Business, Part I," I noted for my supporters that shifting one’s position on abortion is a big change.  For many pro-choice people to seriously change their views—which would mean that they will now take active steps to protect human life from conception—it typically takes time and contemplation.  Making a shift of that magnitude would mean that one could go from promoting abortion and even taking a friend to get an abortion to promoting life by helping a friend not get an abortion and aiding that mother after the birth of her child.  It is a blessing and very encouraging, then, when we see a complete change in someone’s position unfold before our eyes.  A few JFA staff members have written letters within the last year that highlight some of these dramatic, abrupt changes of mind in pro-choice students:

When these abrupt changes happen, though, we humbly recognize that the change has resulted also from the work of others who cultivated the ground, planted seeds, or watered the ground before us.  We shouldn’t expect to see a complete change of mind in every conversation then, because minds change gradually.  Rather, we may praise God for the small changes and progress that He allows us to see in almost every conversation.  I highlighted two of these conversations from my own experience in my newsletter this month, "Unfinished Business, Part II."

