The Impossible Feels Attainable — Justice For All

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The Impossible Feels Attainable

This past June my roommate Catherine and I had the joy of hosting a seminar. It was the first seminar to take place in our own home! The invitation list was limited because of space, but we crammed 13 participants into our living room using a little creativity and the skills we learned from playing Tetris as children.

After the seminar, participants were given the option to write a “Thank You” to the financial supporters who had made the event possible. Today you are receiving a “Thank You” written by a seminarian, Michael, who wrote that you have helped prepare him for what he had previously considered “an impossible task.”

“Dear Justice For All Supporter,

I’ve always been pro-life, but how in the world do I share that message in a culture that isn’t?…an impossible task!

After attending a JFA seminar, the impossible finally feels attainable. I have practical, simple tools to engage someone in a productive dialogue on abortion. Thank you sooo much for providing support to make that possible! God is good!”
— Michael