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One Conversation Changes One Life

Impact Report - December 2019

Rebekah Dyer traveled to five states to participate in six JFA outreach events in 2019 (University of New Mexico in March, UCLA in May, Benedictine College and University of Kansas in September, University of Oklahoma and University of Arizona in November). She is a big encouragement to everyone on the JFA team. In this Impact Report, she tells about one of her favorite conversations from the year, in which God gifted her with a glimpse of the impact He was making through her efforts. Rebekah is also a prolific writer, posting regularly at the Human Defense Initiative. - Steve Wagner, Executive Director

Rebekah interacts with a student at JFA’s University of Arizona outreach in November 2019.

The most encouraging conversation I had this year was at the University of Arizona in November. I spoke with “Joe,” a young man who expressed his support for abortion being legal because he saw it as being a “necessary evil” that could prevent suffering in the future. When I began to ask him questions to further understand his position, I found out he had a close friend who grew up in foster care where he suffered abuse and needed therapy and counseling for the mental trauma he went through. It became clear that Joe wanted abortion legal because he didn’t want people to suffer. As misguided as it was, I realized that he was actually a compassionate person who didn’t want people to suffer like his friend. He was just channeling that compassion in support of something that is not compassionate at all—abortion.

Rebekah (center) and another JFA volunteer who traveled to participate, Enrico (left), are pictured here in conversation with a student at JFA’s University of Arizona outreach in November 2019.

I commended him for his compassion and desire to be a good friend and then I asked how his friend was doing. Once we spoke about things that were a little more personal, I then proceeded to gently make the case that suffering does not justify killing someone no matter what stage of life he/she is in. I asked him if he believed it would be okay to kill a two-year-old in foster care who we knew would suffer a lot? He said no. I then applied that to the issue of abortion: just because humans endure suffering and some grow up in horrible environments, it does not follow that someone else has the right to end that person’s life to prevent future suffering. Suffering does not diminish a person’s value or right to life. We should be caring for the suffering and vulnerable more; not advocating that someone should be able to decide that someone else should die at an earlier stage of life.

Rebekah interacts with a University of Oklahoma student at the JFA Free Speech Board in early November.

We exchanged a few words about our personal lives and then we parted ways. Later that day, I was told by a JFA staff person that Joe came back to the exhibit and told her he had changed his mind on supporting abortion after speaking with me!

It made me think of all the other people impacted by conversations that don’t come back to tell us. I don’t know what the tipping point was for him in our conversation. I do know that his change of heart was something God did. Not me. I am acutely aware that my words and what I say have no power in themselves to change anyone. Being able to see changed hearts on this issue is very rare. God is working behind the scenes in the hearts of the people in front of us. Every once in awhile, He allows us to see the work He is doing by the power of the Holy Spirit.

At a recent outreach event, Rebekah and JFA Director Steve Wagner spoke at length with a young woman who turned out to be very receptive not only to the pro-life position, but also to the possibility that knowing moral concepts like virtue, rights, and “ought” can be as real and “solid” (or, indeed, more “solid”) as scientific knowledge.

God uses all of our interactions with people—the good ones and the really hard ones. Oftentimes, it is very difficult to see His hand in the work up close as so many people seem so hardened in their support for abortion. It can be difficult to feel like I’m kept in the dark as to the results—to feel like no matter what I say and do, nothing changes for the most part. I need to remind myself that my feelings are often not good indicators of what is true. God is working in the hearts of people, and He will accomplish His purpose through imperfect servants who are willing to step out and have a conversation about a difficult issue.

Without Jesus, people are hopeless and lost. Wherever we are, and with whomever we speak, “we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us” (II Cor. 5:20). Only in Him are we set free. And when the Son sets us free, we are free indeed (John 8:36).

- Rebekah Dyer, JFA Volunteer

Pray for the JFA Team and Those We’ve Met on Campuses This Month

Please pray for JFA as our team plans and prepares for upcoming events in 2020. Pray for each person we have trained recently and each person with whom we have conversed at outreach, that God will help each to actively love every human being involved in unintended pregnancy.

  • Oct. 31 (Del City, OK): Interactive Seminar — Christian Heritage Academy

  • Nov. 3 (Norman, OK): Presentation & Interactive Seminar — Trinity Baptist Church

  • Nov. 4-5 (Norman, OK): Exhibits and Dialogue — Univ. of Oklahoma

  • Nov. 9 (Wichita, KS): Interactive Workshop — Kansans For Life Convention

  • Nov. 17-19 (Tucson, AZ): Interactive Seminar, Exhibits, & Dialogue — Univ. of Arizona

  • Nov. 26 (Wichita, KS): Interactive Seminar — Regan Institute

  • Dec. 2 (Fairfax, VA): Exhibits and Dialogue — George Mason University

JFA's "Extending Your Learning" Resource Library

Featured Resource for Equipping Yourself:

We invite you to explore the wide array of resources available at JFA’s Extending Your Learning webpage. Read articles from JFA’s own Interactive Guide, access scholarly articles on fetal development through convenient links, and watch videos of dialogue artists in real conversations. Prepare for common questions and objections including “Does the Bible Say Anything About Abortion?” “What if the Mother’s Life Is in Danger?” “Is Abortion Legal Through All Nine Months?” and “Abortion Should Be Legal Until the Unborn Is Viable.” If you haven’t explored the vast resource library on JFA’s website, Extending Your Learning is a great place to start.

On-the-Street Interviews about Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion

Featured Conversation Starter:

We invite you to start a conversation by watching The Voices Docuseries with a friend or family member. On a road trip through five U.S. cities, our friends at Voices for the Voiceless filmed over 130 on-the-street interviews of people sharing stories of unplanned pregnancy and abortion. The videos they compiled from these interviews can help you start a conversation with common ground. After watching, ask your friend for his or her reflection on what you saw together. If you have a chance to share, start by expressing empathy with specific circumstances that were discussed in the interviews. Consider asking, “What do you think are good solutions to these specific struggles? Do you think abortion is a good solution? Why or why not?”

We Thank God for You

I sent a message to our email list in 2017 that is just as relevant today as it was then. It’s a quick read, so I decided to feature it in this Impact Report along with numbers illustrating JFA’s impact in 2019. The letter puts our impact in its proper context, as God was pleased to accomplish these things through us —through you working together with the JFA team in a multitude of ways. Has this letter sparked a desire to help JFA in one of the ways listed? You can give a year-end gift using the enclosed giving form or using our Donate page. You can share other ways you plan to help JFA in 2020 using our Contact page. — Steve Wagner, Executive Director

We at JFA have a thought we want to share with you. It’s about your answer to the following questions:

Did you pray for one of our events this year?

Did you pray regularly for us?

Did you lead your church in praying?

Your support in all of the forms described in this post helps our team of dialogue artists and volunteers create conversations during outreach events like this one at Benedictine College (and afterward). Conversations have the power to change lives one person at a time. For stories of changed lives, see recent reflections from Kaitlyn, Jeremy, and Rebekah.

Did you host a JFA staff member or volunteer in your home during an outreach trip?

Did you provide a meal for us?

Did you give to our Intern Scholarship Fund or Staff Support Fund?

Did you give a monthly automatic gift to our Training Program Fund (General Fund) or to support the
work of one of our missionaries?

Did you set up a speaking event for one of our staff in your community?

Did you make an appeal to a pastor to consider partnering with JFA?

Did you call or email a JFA staff member to encourage him or her?

Did you volunteer at a JFA event and create conversations with pro-choice advocates?

Did you use JFA’s monthly Resource Bulletin or other materials to create conversations with people in your everyday life?

Did you speak up when someone in your everyday life brought up the topic of pregnancy, unborn children, women in distress, or abortion?

Often we worry that you, our friends, feel like you are not truly contributing to our work unless you give money. We worry that you may put any giving that is not financial in a sort of “second-class” category. Giving financially is certainly one important way to partner with JFA, but all of the activities we’ve listed above are essential, and we do mean essential, to our work of training Christians to create transformative conversations that can help save the smallest humans on earth (and their parents) from abortion.

Surely we cannot do our work without financial support, but we trust God will provide the support we need. Just as surely, though, we simply cannot do our work without these other gifts you have given this year. Without host homes, our team wouldn’t be able to create conversations on campuses across the country. Similar things could be said about every item listed in this letter. And we trust God to provide these needs, and he has provided for us mightily through you.

Consider this: none of our conversations will have any impact on anyone without God moving in each person’s heart before, during, and after our interactions. When you pray along with us, you place your trust in God as the one who brings about change.

Our team wanted to take this moment to say thank you for partnering with us so faithfully through these very real gifts we’ve listed earlier in this letter. The stories we’ve shared this year are very truly your stories. The impact numbers we share below very truly represent your impact.

Thank you for your many sacrifices in so many different forms this year. We consider you to be such an important, “first-class” member of the JFA team. We thank God for you.
