You’re Invited! Oct. 17 Workshop at Christopher Newport University


“Creating Dialogue on Abortion to Reach Hearts and Minds - An Interactive Workshop led by Steve Wagner”


October 17, 2023


Washington Conference Room, David Student Union Building, Christopher Newport Univ., Newport News, VA


Part I: 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM (Check in at 5:15 PM; Includes Pizza Dinner)

Part II: 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (Check in at 6:50 PM; Includes Dessert)

Note: Each part includes different content. You may attend one or the other, or attend both for the best experience. More notes on Content below.


There is no charge for this event, but you may make a donation to defray event costs.


Part I will cover the following topics (some interactively, some briefly):

  • Three Essential Skills: You can start a conversation and keep it productive using just three skills: listening to understand, asking questions with an open heart, and finding common ground when possible.

  • Are Images Helpful? Learn to use images appropriately and sensitively in order to help people face the reality of abortion. Learn to use JFA’s “Invitation to Dialogue” Brochure (digital version and paper version) to guide a conversation.

  • One Central Question: Focus on the question, “What is the unborn?” and defend the idea that the unborn is a living human organism biologically.

Part II will cover the following topics (some interactively, some briefly):

  • The Equal Rights Mystery: Many people are unsure if the unborn are persons or have equal rights to the rest of us. We train you in this session to navigate that conversation beginning with the common ground of the Equal Rights Mystery.

  • The Question of Rape: Learn to meet both the relational and intellectual challenges inherent in the questions: “Is abortion right or wrong in the case of rape? Should it be legal in the case of rape?”

  • Do Bodily Rights Mean Abortion Is Okay? When someone says a woman should have a right to do what she wants with her body, we always begin with a response that surprises many pro-life advocates. Then we also offer a sophisticated intellectual response.

  • Q&A including Threats to the Pregnant Mother's Life and “Personally Opposed but It Should Stay Legal”