Tammy Cook — Justice For All

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Tammy Cook

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A painful experience during her college years of being unable to convince two friends not to have abortions left an indelible mark on Tammy. She began a lifelong journey to learn how to empower others to change hearts and minds about abortion. In 1996 she began working for Justice For All (JFA) as a pro-life missionary, learning how to take a debate about abortion and turn it into a productive dialogue. She has spent thousands of hours in dialogue with college students on 50 college campuses since 1998. She has witnessed many people change their hearts and minds about abortion. She believes that by listening and acknowledging someone’s concerns, you give a vital gift to the listener by better understanding his or her view. This helps build a crucial rapport and trust that can open a mind or heart to a different view on abortion. Tammy loves teaching those same skills to pro-life advocates. Tammy and her husband, Kevin, have been married since 1980, and live in Wichita, Kansas. They have three children and three grandchildren. Tammy is an avid Kansas City Chiefs fan, and enjoys playing the piano, cooking, reading, and spending time with her large close-knit family.

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Pictures of Tammy at Recent Outreach Events

Pictures from 25 Years (and counting) at JFA

I work to make abortion unthinkable because I believe God put me here at this specific time in American history to be a voice for the voiceless.
— Tammy Cook

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