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Labor Days

August 2014 Impact Report

Labor Day traditionally marks the end of summer activities and the beginning of many new sports and academic seasons. In keeping with that tradition, training thousands to make abortion unthinkable in the 2014 to 2015 school year starts now!

In addition to our internship program and other regular training events this summer, we have been laboring to prepare a fall semester full of opportunities for homeschool and high school students, college clubs, and churches. Below you will hear from some of our spring and summer training participants. We hope that their testimony will move you to review our fall training schedule on the back and to come labor with us to bring about more “labor days” across this great land.

- John Michener, for the JFA team

“My JFA internship was simply the first step of my preparation, and a big step it was at that. It taught me not only how to dialogue with others about abortion, but also some of the best people skills ever.” -Anne Marie

Anne Marie Laville (right) is one of several stellar young people who participated in our summer internship program.

“I took a huge step closer to becoming the kind of woman, Christian, and activist that I have always dreamed of becoming. JFA…gave me a compassionate awareness of my audience… It was my joy and pleasure to step so far from my comfort zone that the Lord had to take control. Had the environment at JFA not been so safe and respectful, I would have never achieved such ambitious goals.” -Sarah Mary

Sarah Mary Toce, Regional Coordinator and Legislative Liaison for Louisiana Right to Life, participated in our summer internship program. Our summer internships were designed to train current and future leaders in the pro-life movement.

“It was great! I feel prepared to talk to almost anyone with different views than me… I got to share my faith with a stranger for the first time.” -Jacqueline

“I now feel fully equipped to explain and justify my stance on abortion. It would be great if [JFA] could come to my church.” -Olivia

Jacqueline and Olivia are high school students in Atlanta, Georgia.

“I would not be leading ASU Students For Life (or likely be involved at all) without your mentorship at Xavier [High School] in 2012. It made all the difference. I distinctly remember leaving training that day saying, ‘I want to be as knowledgeable, gentle, loving and active as she is!’ You also gave me the confidence to start those initial conversations at ASU that year and realize that I could actually make a difference. I have you to thank for all of that.” -Maggie

Maggie Otlewski, a student leader at Arizona State University, sent this message to JFA staff member Rebecca Haschke (right).

“A young woman was brought to me (I am post-abortive) because she tearfully shared with one of our youths that she had chosen abortion just eight short weeks ago. [She] was suffering from depression… We talked for quite some time and shared contact info. She is willing to join an abortion recovery group. I am confident that she will experience the healing power of the resurrection. I was reminded of the many who suffer from this violent abortion industry.” -Judy

Judy Caracheo is a regular JFA volunteer who helps us minister at outreach events to those who are hurting from abortion.

“It was exciting to see…the expression on their faces as they began to realize that maybe, just maybe, their ideas might be false. The ‘aha’ moments… I was encouraged as well by those who would themselves open up the conversation for sharing the Gospel. Nothing was forced, just natural. The idea of putting a proverbial pebble in their shoe became a reality. It is possible. It is doable.” -Kristi

Kristi Moore is a homeschool mom who went on a JFA mission trip to Denton, Texas with her two teenage daughters.