Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

Our team engages with students at Texas State University, November 2024

“I am definitely pro-choice. My mom is a doula, and even she is pro-choice. I look up to her, and she has helped me shape my views on this.”

A student at Texas State University I’ll call Taylor had just signed “Yes” on our poll table that asked the question, “Should abortion be legal?” I asked if she had time to share more about her beliefs on abortion.

Outreach at the University of Texas at San Antonio, November 2024

Judging by her initial response, I thought that this could be a challenging conversation. I began asking Taylor questions about her view. She told me she thought abortion should be legal for the first four weeks of pregnancy for certain cases like rape and if the mother’s life is in danger. She believed that life starts at conception.

We talked in great detail about the case of rape and other hard cases. Then she asked me my thoughts on the issue. She was incredibly open-minded during our discussion.

After we discussed the abortion issue, I shifted the conversation to the gospel. I asked if she had any spiritual beliefs. Taylor shared with me that she grew up going to church but has stepped away from everything to figure things out for herself.

Andrea: I agree that you need to figure out what you believe for yourself. I encourage you though to take this issue seriously because eternity is a long time, and you don’t want to get it wrong.

I was able to talk about the significance of the gospel, why it is important, and how it applies to us.

Andrea: I have done a lot of talking. I hope what I am saying makes sense.

Taylor: Yes. I love everything you are saying. Keep talking, this is all so good.

Our conversation continued on to other topics. She wanted me to point out everyone on my team. Then she exclaimed, “I am loving this conversation about abortion and the value of humans in the womb. Now I want to talk to someone else from your team.”

Taylor scanned the area and saw my co-worker, Alora. Taylor walked up to Alora and asked her why she is pro-life.

After they talked, Taylor shared with Alora, “I used to stereotype pro-life people, but my conversations with you and Andrea have changed my perspective.”

It struck me how easy it is for me to assume things about people. I assumed it was going to be a challenging conversation based on her first answer. Our conversation was not what I expected. In fact, it was an amazing and enjoyable interaction. It was my favorite conversation from that trip. It reminded me how important it is to ask questions to understand someone’s view and not make assumptions from the start or “judge a book by its cover.”