"Better than Saying Nothing"

Volunteer Charity Boaz had planned “to let others do the talking.” Seeing a young man looking at the Justice For All Exhibit alone, though, caused her to gather up her courage. Afterwards, she wrote,
I decided someone had to talk to him, and it looked like it was going to be me. I was so nervous. We talked for a good 15 minutes and the guy seemed like he was really listening.
I think at that point I realized I didn't need all the answers; and if I helped someone just get one step closer to being pro-life that was better than saying nothing.
The next morning on her way to a second day of outreach at Georgia Tech, Charity had another unforgettable conversation, this time on a MARTA train. To find out what happened, read JFA’s Janaury Impact Report, entitled “Charity on the Metro” (www.jfaweb.org/Impact/Metro).