Pray with JFA (November)
Pray for Recent and Upcoming Events (Partial List):
JFA Intern Kaitlyn Donihue (pink) creates conversation at OU. The signs to her right show content from our new “Invitation to Dialogue” brochure, which is our featured resource as well as our featured conversation starter this month.
Our team has been busy in Oklahoma and Texas these past few weeks, and we just wrapped up events in New Mexico and Maryland. Please pray for the many conversations we’ve had and the Christians we’ve been training for a lifetime of service.
Oct. 29-30 (Norman, OK): Outreach Event — University of Oklahoma (OU)
Nov. 11 (Denton, TX): Interactive Workshop — Denton Bible Church
Nov. 12 (Denton, TX): Interactive Workshop — University of North Texas (UNT)
Nov. 13-15 (Denton, TX): Kiosk Outreach Events — University of North Texas (UNT)
Nov. 27 (Albuquerque, NM): Interactive Workshop — University of New Mexico (UNM)
Nov. 27 (Austin, TX): Panel Discussion — Jeremy Gorr — Texas Students for Life Event
Nov. 28 (Wichita, KS): Interactive Workshop — Tammy Cook — SEAS Catholic Church
Nov. 28-29 (Albuquerque, NM): Kiosk Outreach Event — University of New Mexico (UNM)
Dec. 1 (Pomfret, MD): Keynote & Panel — Steve Wagner — Charles County Right to Life
Dec. 5 (Arkansas City, KS): Interactive Workshop — Sacred Heart Catholic Church