Pray with JFA (March)
Pray for Recent and Upcoming Events (Partial List):
JFA Outreach Event at Fort Lewis College - March 18, 2019
In March, JFA staff members were busy leading events in six states (TX, KS, GA, NE, CO, and NM)! As we continue on into April, please pray for good weather during our outreach events to facilitate good conversations. Pray for the health of our trainers that they might keep active in the field. Pray for each person we train and each person with whom we converse at outreach, that God will kindle new affection in their hearts for women in distress and for the smallest humans on earth. — Steve Wagner, Executive Director
Mar. 3 (Houston, TX): Interactive Seminar — University of Houston (UH)
Mar. 11 (Norfolk, NE): Interactive Seminar — Norfolk Catholic High School
Mar. 8-13 (Atlanta Area, GA): Seminars and Outreach Events near/at Kennesaw State University (KSU)
Mar. 17-19 (Durango, CO): Seminar & Outreach Events near/at Fort Lewis College
Mar. 23-26 (Albuquerque, NM): Seminars & Outreach Events near/at University of New Mexico (UNM)
Mar. 26 (Baltimore, MD): Outreach Event and Evening Forum at Johns Hopkins University
Mar. 31-Apr.2 (Lawrence, KS): Seminar and Outreach Events near/at University of Kansas (KU)
Apr. 4-7 (CO): Interactive Seminars in Denver, Fort Collins, Littleton, & Greeley
March/April/May: Seminars & Outreach Events in MD, AZ, & CA