JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Team Be Nimble

Team Be Nimble

In this Impact Report, we feature highlights from Justice For All (JFA) events that took place from March to September. Each highlighted event illustrates the way smaller training teams can help us make a bigger impact. We’ve found that empowering our trainers to do events on their own helps our team to be nimble and ready to meet the great need all over the country for good dialogue training—training that includes outreach whenever possible.

Responding to Pro-Choice Dishonesty

Pro-life laws have recently been blamed for the death of Amber Thurman. Our friends at the Equal Rights Institute wrote two helpful articles responding to the pro-choice dishonesty that is in much of the media regarding this story and others like them. We encourage you to read both of them and share them!

No, Georgia’s Abortion Law Did Not Cause Amber Thurman’s Death

How to Respond to Pro-Choice Dishonesty