Featured Conversation Starter - April — Justice For All

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Featured Conversation Starter - April

We encourage you to use the post, “Is this common surgery helpful or harmful?” to start a conversation.  This post features an informational video from www.abortionprocedures.com in which former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains in medical terms the most common abortion procedure, a first-trimester aspiration (D&C) abortion.  Dr. Levatino performed over 1,200 abortions before coming to the conclusion that “killing a baby at any stage of pregnancy is wrong.”  To view the video and share it on social media, see the links to the post below.  Remember, the goal of our conversation starters is to help an average pro-life advocate to create a conversation about abortion in a natural, less-awkward way.  If you use this conversation starter, please let us know how it goes!

Share the Post and Video: Twitter (@7conversations) ; JFA Blog ("Start the Conversation")

About the Making Abortion Unthinkable with JFA Resource Bulletin

For friends of JFA who ask, “What can I do to make abortion unthinkable?” this resource bulletin offers some answers.  Beyond supporting JFA financially, which enables JFA’s trainers and volunteers to create conversations that make abortion unthinkable at JFA’s events, you can PRAY for the conversations the JFA community is creating (including your own), PREPARE for conversations, and START conversations.