JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Pray for Conversations - July

Pray for Recent and Upcoming Events (Partial List): 

Pray for wisdom for the team members who plan JFA’s event schedule.  Pray for the health of our trainers that they might keep active in the field.  Pray for each person we train and each person with whom we converse at outreach, that God will kindle new affection in their hearts for women in distress and for the smallest humans on earth. 

  • July 18 (David City, NE): Interactive Workshop — Aquinas High School
  • July 19, 21 (Columbus, NE): Interactive Workshops — St. Bonaventure Catholic Church
  • July 28 (Washington, DC): Interactive Seminar — SFLA Regional Coordinators
  • August 18 (Wichita, KS): Interactive Seminar — St. Mary’s Cathedral
  • August 27-28 (Wichita, KS): Outreach Events — Wichita State University (WSU)
  • August 27-29: Georgia Events — See link below for details.
  • September: VA, KS, CO, and OK Events — Details TBA
  • October/November: OK, KS, and TX Events — Details TBA

Featured Resource for Equipping Yourself - July

Read Steve Wagner’s recent article, “It’s Her Body,” and the accompanying series of blog posts to prepare for defenses of abortion that refer to the woman’s body, such as “my body, my choice” and “she can do what she wants with her body” and “the unborn is part of her body.”  Even after 15 years of engaging bodily rights arguments, Steve recently realized he’s been missing something very obvious and very important.  Through Steve’s reflection on a recent campus conversation, you’ll gain a new way of seeing these arguments and a step-by-step framework (including links to in-depth resources) for meeting the relational and intellectual challenges present in every discussion of bodily rights and abortion. 



Featured Conversation Starter for July

Use the recent JFA blog post, “Her Experience Matters,” to start a conversation with common ground.  This post features a JFA exhibit panel that uses Paul Simon song lyrics to give expression to the feelings of many women facing unplanned pregnancy.  In every conversation about abortion, you can find common ground on the importance of women and their bodies, and this post will help you do this in a natural way.  It will also help you to develop empathy for women facing unplanned pregnancies, and it will help you gently pose thought-provoking questions about those difficult experiences.

Her Experience Matters


What Do You Think?

Many pregnant women feel completely alone when facing unintended pregnancy.  Some believe their decision about their pregnancy only affects them.  Yet, aren't there two senses in which it isn't quite true that she is completely alone?

There's at least one sense in which she is not alone, for there is another being, one of the smallest humans on earth, who is very close by and is affected by her decision.  But does the presence of that being bring the comfort of togetherness or the terror of a life changed forever? 

There's another sense in which she doesn't have to be alone, but this second sense of "not being alone" depends on you and me.  Will we offer our help, without judgment, so she doesn't have to face this difficult situation alone?