Justice For All Exhibit (2000) — Justice For All

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Justice For All Exhibit (2000) 

Justice For All Exhibit 2000 (Side 1), Colorado State University, April 2013

2000 - present

The original Justice For All Exhibit was first displayed in 2000 and consists of fifteen panels, forming a triangle 18 feet tall and 40 feet on each side.  The content of the Exhibit has also been displayed in an 8-foot outdoor exhibit, in a virtual online version (below), and in a Powerpoint version shared by JFA presenters.  Perhaps the most popular version of this exhibit is a brochure version (four inches by nine inches).  Thousands of copies have been distributed to students who have requested them.

JFA trains volunteers to use the material in this exhibit to create dialogue by asking questions with an open heart, listening to understand, and finding common ground.  For more information on how Justice For All balances truth with love, why JFA uses graphic visuals of abortion, and the effect of graphic visuals on people who see them, visit WHAT: Love and Truth


Click here to see the Virtual Exhibit (pdf).  Warning: This exhibit contains pictures of the results of abortion, along with pictures of other injustice.  It is extremely graphic.


See the addendum to the JFA Exhibit 2000, What Are the Facts?, for updated numbers on how many abortions take place each day in the US, reasons women give for abortion, and other updates on Exhibit content.

On page 17 of the brochure (Side 3, Panel 4 of the campus Exhibit), JFA claims that 82% of all abortions occur on single women.  The Guttmacher Institute updated this number recently in its Characteristics of U.S. Abortion Patients, 2008.  In 2008, the percentage of women getting abortions who were unmarried was 85%.

Justice For All Exhibit 2000 (Side 1), Georgia Tech University, April 2013

SourcES, Citations, and More Information


  • All images of the unborn (fetal development and abortion) are dated from fertilization.

  • Thank you to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) for providing the abortion images found on the Justice For All Exhibit (2000). (Link Warning: While we recommend CBR's website, please be aware that it contains graphic video footage of abortion in progress on its homepage.) See CBR's "Verifying Photograph Authenticity" page for authentication of the photos on the JFA Exhibit (2000).

Side 1: humanity of the Unborn Child

Justice For All Exhibit 2000 (Side 2), UCLA, circa 2003

Side 2: Inhumanity of Abortion

Justice For All Exhibit 2000 (Side 3), Georgia Tech University, April 2013

Side 3: Do NO Harm

Brochure Content

More Information