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In early May, a leaked document from the Supreme Court showed that Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey could be officially overturned in June. In the leaked majority opinion draft of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Justice Alito says, “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled…”

If the official outcome is in fact that Roe and Casey are overturned, we will have made a huge step forward in protecting the equal rights of unborn human beings.

As good as this news is, it’s important to remember that overturning Roe and Casey will not make abortion illegal. It just returns the decision to the states. Some states will ban abortion. In others it will remain legal and easily accessible.

Supreme Court of the United States, Jan. 2022

Whatever the official outcome is, our job remains the same. We must continue to engage those around us in conversations. We still need to work to change hearts and minds about abortion. We need to help people see unborn children, not as burdens, but as fellow human beings with equal rights to you and me. We need to support and help pregnant women and their families. We need to engage those with whom we disagree in civility and open dialogue.

The news that Roe could well be on its deathbed is a frightening prospect to a lot of people. Many people are angry. They see this as a dangerous step backward in history. They see this development as an attack on women’s equality. Given the recent developments, there may be many people who are ready and open to having conversations who otherwise may not have been. What we say and how we say it matters. “Sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness.” (Proverbs 16:21b).

With this in mind, let’s engage those around us sharing truth with compassion, love, and patience. Let’s listen to their concerns, ask questions to understand where they are coming from, and find common ground with them whenever possible. May we use our conversations to come alongside people in humility, patience, and great love helping them recognize the humanity of our unborn brothers and sisters.