Tammy: I agree with you that freedom is important. Maybe it would help to break down our types of choices into two categories. Let’s picture them in two separate buckets. Bucket number one contains choices that are our personal preferences. My “personal preference” bucket would contain two of my favorite foods, strawberries and broccoli. People can choose to eat or not eat strawberries or broccoli, but that choice does not harm other people. Bucket number two contains choices that cause serious harm like murder, stealing, and rape. Would you agree that people shouldn’t have the choice to do any of those three things? *
Dixon: Yes.
Tammy: Why not?
Dixon: Because they’re wrong.
Tammy: I agree. Each of these harms a human being, right?
Dixon: Yes.
Tammy: Do you see the difference? Someone who chooses to eat or not eat broccoli does not harm another person, but someone who chooses to rape does harm another person, right?
Dixon: Yes.
Tammy: And since abortion takes the life of a human being, would you agree that it belongs in the same bucket as rape and stealing?
Dixon: Yes. Wow! This has been enlightening. You’ve given me a lot to think about. What if I hear of someone who is thinking about having an abortion? What should I do?
Tammy: Good question! Let me show you an app on my phone that you can download. [I showed him a video of an eight-week embryo using the “See Baby Pregnancy Guide” app for smartphones and tablets from the Endowment for Human Development (EHD). Click here to download the app for free.]
Dixon: Wow, that’s cool.
Dixon had to get to class, but before he left, I was also able to show him how to use the JFA Exhibit Brochure to help someone considering abortion. He thanked me for all of the new information and appeared to have a genuine change of heart about abortion.
* I said this a bit differently on campus, and Dixon understood my meaning. I've slightly changed the wording in this dialogue to more clearly illustrate my meaning in print. Please take this portion of the dialogue to be capturing the gist of the conversation rather than the precise wording I used on campus.
September 2021 / April 2022 Update: See below for another story of a conversation in which Tammy used the “Two Buckets” analogy.