rb-10-2019 — JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Pray for Recent and Upcoming JFA Events

Our JFA team recently spoke to 212 middle school and high school students throughout a day at St. Mary’s Colgan in Pittsburg, Kansas. A recent reflection from JFA’s Director, “The Disappearing NFL,” explains one way we sought to help these students understand the reality of abortion.

Please pray for the health of our trainers in this season of travel. Pray for each person we train and each person with whom we converse at outreach, that God will help each to actively love every human being involved in unintended pregnancy.

  • Michigan: Interactive Workshops in Four Michigan Cities (10/1, 10/24, 10/27, 10/30)

  • Kansas: Equipping Events in Pittsburg & Outreach at Pittsburg State University (9/29-10/2)

  • Texas: Interactive Workshop at University of Texas at San Antonio (10/5)

  • Louisiana: Presentation for Friends of a Supporter (10/9)

  • Colorado: Four Interactive Seminars in Four Days in Three Cities (10/10-10/13)

  • Virginia: Outreach at George Mason University (10/21)

  • Oklahoma: Two Interactive Seminars & Outreach at University of Oklahoma (10/31-11/5)

  • Kansas: Workshop for Kansans for Life Conference (11/9)

  • Arizona: Interactive Seminar & Outreach at University of Arizona (11/17-11/19)

VIDEO Resource: CK's Conversation at CSU

Watch the recently-released JFA outreach clip, “Abortion: Should We Legislate Morality?” to prepare for your conversations. This 8-minute dialogue footage from Colorado State University features former JFA trainer CK Wisner. Watch as CK patiently listens to a CSU student who feels conflicted about her position on abortion. CK artfully prompts this student to explore questions with her including, “When are we human?” and “What is the basis for human rights?” After eagerly discussing these biological and philosophical questions, the student turns to the topic of legality, asking CK about “imposing” one’s beliefs on others. This video touches on several topics in a short period of time. Use it as a springboard for further study, or use it as a springboard for your own conversation by sharing it with a friend.

Conversation Starter (VIDEO): "She's Not Sure What to Think... How About You?"

We invite you to start a conversation by sharing JFA’s recent video blog post, “She’s Not Sure What to Think... How About You?” (also JFA’s Featured Resource for October). This conversation footage from JFA outreach at CSU touches on biology, human rights, and the question of “imposing” one’s morality on others, all in a short segment. Because the student in the video feels conflicted about the topic of abortion, her conversation with CK provides an ideal platform for you to ask a friend, “Do you have a clear view on abortion, or are you not totally sure what to think? What factors contribute to your certainty or uncertainty?”