rb-04-2018 — JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Pray with JFA - April 2018

Pray for Recent/Upcoming Events (Partial List): 

Metro State University (MSU) - April 23, 2018

Pray for good weather during our outreach events to facilitate good conversations.  Pray for the health of our trainers that they might keep active in the field.  Pray for each person we train and each person with whom we converse at outreach, that God will kindle new affection in their hearts for women in distress and for the smallest humans on earth. 

  • April 11 (Denton, TX):  Poll Table Outreach Event — University of North Texas
  • April 13 (Fort Collins, CO):  Chapel Presentation & Interactive Workshop — Heritage Christian Academy
  • April 14 (Greeley, CO):  Interactive Seminar — Christ Community Church
  • April 15 (Fort Collins, CO):  Interactive Seminar — Colorado State University
  • April 16-17 (Fort Collins, CO):  Kiosk Outreach Event — Colorado State University
  • April 20 (Boulder, CO):  Interactive Workshop — University of Colorado Boulder
  • April 21 (Englewood, CO):  Interactive Seminar — All Souls Catholic Church
  • April 23 (Lakewood, CO):  Interactive Workshop — Colorado Christian University
  • April 23-24 (Denver, CO):  Kiosk Outreach Event — Metropolitan State University
  • April 24 (Boulder, CO):  Kiosk Outreach Event — University of Colorado Boulder 

Featured Resource - "A Living Room Conversation - Part 1"

Prepare for Conversations (April):

In “A Living Room Conversation” Grace Fontenot shares a conversation she had with “Heidi,” a young woman she met, not during an outreach event, but in an everyday-life setting.  In Part 1 of Grace’s three-part story, you’ll see Grace help Heidi think through the social and legal implications that logically follow from what Heidi characterized as her “religious” beliefs about abortion.  In doing so, you’ll learn several questions you can ask in your conversations with family members, co-workers, and friends who say, “I am personally pro-life, but I don’t think I can limit the choices of others through the law.” 

Conversation Starter - "Should We Step In?"

Featured Conversation Starter (April):

Use the recent post, “Should We Step In?” to start a conversation in a natural way this month.  This post features a true story from Exposures, a Voices for the Voiceless project.  The post uses the story as a springboard to ask pro-life advocates, “Do you think abortion should ever be legally available?” and asks pro-choice advocates, “Are there any circumstances in which you would try to stop someone from getting an abortion?”