rb-02-2018 — JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Pray with JFA - February 2018

Pray for Upcoming & Recent Events: 

The Art of Life Exhibit is shown above at Colorado State University in 2016.  JFA will be bringing The Art of Life to The University of Kansas for outreach events on March 12 & 13.

The Art of Life Exhibit is shown above at Colorado State University in 2016.  JFA will be bringing The Art of Life to The University of Kansas for outreach events on March 12 & 13.

Pray for our trainers as they prepare Christians to create conversations with those who tolerate abortion as a solution.  Pray that our volunteers gain confidence through listening to our trainers in conversation and starting their own conversations.  Pray that each person we meet during outreach develops new affection for all involved in unwanted pregnancy.

  • Feb. 3 (Austin, TX): Interactive Seminar — For the City Center
  • Feb. 11 (Video Call): Interactive Workshop — Tokyo Christian University
  • Feb. 14 (Houston, TX): Interactive Workshop — North Oaks Baptist Church
  • Mar. 10 (Wichita, KS) - Interactive Seminar - Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
  • Mar. 11 (Lawrence, KS): Interactive Seminar — University of Kansas
  • Mar. 12-13 (Lawrence, KS): Art of Life Exhibit Outreach — University of Kansas

10 Years Later - Common Ground Without Compromise

Featured Resource for Equipping Yourself:

It’s been ten years since Common Ground Without Compromise was published, and I’m excited to see so many pro-life people now talking about finding common ground as essential to advocating for unborn children. I intended the book as a letter to all sides of the abortion debate, suggesting that we could make more progress in discussing abortion if we consciously made an effort to agree whenever possible. I look at the landscape now, with many cultural observers saying ‘we are more polarized than ever,’ and I think we need to continue to make finding common ground a habit — just as much as we need to be ready to support our beliefs with good reasons. Finding common ground, though, has the power to cause people who disagree with us to want to listen to those reasons we’re eager to share, even as it has the power to help us to want to listen to the many true things they are saying.

Conversation Starter - "He Forced Me to Get An Abortion"

Featured Conversation Starter:

Featured Conversation Starter: Use the recent post, “He Forced Me to Get an Abortion,” to start a conversation in a natural way. This post features a true story and highlights a great question for common ground (also found in Common Ground Without Compromise, JFA's featured resource for this month): Should boyfriends and parents pressure women to have abortions? Very few people will say yes. So, you can start a conversation by saying, “Whatever we think about the legality of abortion, can’t we agree that we shouldn’t pressure women to have abortions? Can’t we agree that what the boyfriend in this story did was wrong?”