rb-01-2020 — JFA Blog — Justice For All

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Pray for Conversations at Upcoming JFA Events

Rebekah Dyer, the newest staff member on the JFA Team, interacts with a University of Oklahoma student at the JFA Free Speech Board in early November. You can read one of her favorite conversation stories from this year here in JFA’s recent Impact R…

Rebekah Dyer, the newest staff member on the JFA Team, interacts with a University of Oklahoma student at the JFA Free Speech Board in early November. You can read one of her favorite conversation stories from this year here in JFA’s recent Impact Report.

Please pray for JFA as our team members prepare for upcoming events in Texas, New Mexico, and Kansas in the coming weeks. Pray for each person we will train and each person with whom we will converse at outreach, that God will help each to actively love every human being involved in unintended pregnancy.

  • Jan. 26 (Albion, MI): Interactive Workshop — First Baptist Church

  • Feb. 8 (Decatur, TX): Interactive Seminar — Father’s House Church

  • Feb. 9 (Denton, TX): Interactive Seminar — Redeemer Denton Church

  • Feb. 10-13 (Denton, TX): Staff Training Day and Outreach Events in North Texas

  • Feb. 17 (Albuquerque, NM): Interactive Workshop — University of New Mexico (UNM)

  • Feb. 23 (San Antonio, TX): Interactive Seminar — Trinity University (Private Event)

  • Feb. 24-25 (San Antonio, TX): University Outreach — Trinity University

  • Feb. 26-27 (San Antonio, TX): University Outreach — University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

  • Mar. 3 (Wichita, KS): Presentation — St. Patrick Catholic Church

  • Mar. 7 (Richardson, TX): Interactive Seminar — University of Texas at Dallas

  • Mar. 8 (Denton, TX): Interactive Seminar — Location TBD

Featured Resource: Stephanie Gray Debate and Blog Post

We invite you to share our post referencing Stephanie Gray’s comment about belly buttons in her recent debate and in her piece, “The Greatest Love.”

Ask a friend to set aside the question of legality of abortion for a moment and engage a different set of questions: “Were we intended for abortion?” and “Or were we intended to give of ourselves and experience what it means to love?” and “Could all of us find common ground in the fact that our mothers engaged in a self-giving act of love when they gave birth to us, and could this be a light for us when we contemplate what we should do with unintended pregnancy and abortion?”

Featured Conversation Starter - Women Debate Abortion

This month, we encourage you to share with a friend the contrasting closing statements of two women in a recent debate about abortion in Mexico. After listening together to Mara Clarke and Stephanie Gray share their final thoughts, here are a couple of questions that can help you start a conversation with a friend:

  • What do you think of Mara’s and Stephanie’s statements?

  • With which one do you identify more?