Rebekah Dyer
Rebekah is pictured in conversation with a student at JFA’s University of Arizona outreach in November 2019.
Since 2016, Rebekah has logged over 1,000 conversations with people on all sides of the abortion debate on over 30 college campuses in the United States.
She holds a Bachelor's degree in Paralegal Studies from Liberty University. She also attended Palomar College and served as President of the Students for Life club.
Rebekah volunteered at JFA outreach events in 2019, and she served as an intern in spring of 2020. Rebekah accepted a staff position in August 2020, and she now serves as a full-time Training Specialist. Rebekah’s work is featured in “Aubree Changes Her Mind” (April 2020) and in JFA’s December 2019 Impact Report, “One Conversation Changes One Life.”
Rebekah blogs at Knowing Greater Love and is a contributing writer for Human Defense Initiative.
Rebekah’s Upcoming Events
Click each item for more details and to register.
Photos of Rebekah at Recent Outreach Events
Photos of Rebekah in Action, 2019-Present
“It’s precisely because the stakes are so high
that we should be careful with how we talk to people.
And it’s precisely because the stakes are so high that we can’t let
the fear of bad conversations or saying the wrong thing
keep us from saying anything at all. ”