Joanna Bai (Wagner) Newsletter Archive
This is Joanna Bai's Newsletter Archive. Click here to learn more about Joanna.
Joanna Bai Newsletters 2016
March 2016: "It's Personal" - It's easy to discuss the issue of abortion in a theoretical way, forgetting that for many people, the conversation hits close to home. In this letter, I share about a conversation in which I discussed the topics of bodily rights and abortion in the case of rape with someone for whom these matters were very personal. Read more to learn how you can begin to respond to these important concerns with respect for all human beings, including the person in front of you.
February 2016: "Interrupted" - "I think you have a very important message to share, but I think the way you were going about it with Trevor didn’t help him hear that message." A pro-choice student ("Trevor") and I were having a very productive conversation when "Eric," a pro-life student, interrupted. In this newsletter, I share what happened next, and offer to help you be neither silent nor unloving regarding abortion.
Joanna Bai Newsletters 2015
December 2015: "The Student Becomes the Trainer (Impact Report)" - I had the honor of writing this impact report for the Justice For All team. In it, I share the story of Keawe, a student who used our training to begin training others. The director of the Salt and Light program at his high school (a program we've partnered with over the years) has said, "Justice For All is the best thing we do as a school." I'm honored to train students like Keawe and be a resource for the mentors who guide them on a daily basis.
September 2015: "Lightbulb in Los Angeles (Impact Report)" - In this Impact Report, my friend and co-worker CK shares the story of a conversation with "Jenny," a conversation that drastically changed the way Jenny thought about abortion.
August 2015: "From the Desk of Steve Wagner, Executive Director" - While I was away this summer, this reflection came in from a volunteer who witnessed one of my conversations at our June UCLA outreach event. I was honored to read it when I came back!
May 2015: "Ready and Eager for the Next Conversation (Impact Report)" - In this Impact Report, student training participants share how their JFA experiences gave them practical help - the kind of help necessary to take the skills they learned into their daily conversations.
April 2015: "A Cornerstone of Women's Freedom?" - In this letter, I introduce you to "Bodily Rights" arguments through a conversation I had with "Kendra." In this letter I explore questions such as, "Do we have obligations to those in need of our bodies?" and "Is our generation missing something in it's pursuit of personal freedom?"
March 2015: "An Invitation to Pray" - This JFA Executive Director's Monthly Letter just happens to be about prayer. This letter has been an important reminder for me personally, and I think it might be helpful for you, too. It lists seven specific prayers related to our work, on which you can focus this month.
February 2015: "Charity on the Metro (Impact Report)" - In this Impact Report, you'll read a classic JFA story that features a simple yet profound conversation between a young woman named Charity and a man on a commuter train.
January 2015: "9 Sweaty Teenage Boys" - Read about my conversation with a group of high school cross country runners who stopped to talk to me in the middle of a run.
Joanna Bai Newsletters 2014
December 2014: "2014" - This newsletter highlights some of my favorite conversations of 2014.
November 2014: "Crippled by Fear? Rise and Do Feet Work (Impact Report)" - Read this newsletter in which JFA volunteers describe how JFA's training program turned their fears into productive conversations with pro-choice advocates.
October 2014: "What Do I Teach?: Pt. IV" - Pt. 3: Why Do Human Beings Matter? ; In August, I introduced you to Daniel. In this newsletter, I tell the rest of the story.
September 2014: "Labor Days (Impact Report)" - Sarah Mary is just one of many recent volunteers whose reflections are featured in this newsletter. She shared, "I took a huge step closer to becoming the kind of woman, Christian, and activist that I have always dreamed of becoming..."
August 2014: "What Do I Teach?: Pt. III" - Pt. 3: Do All Humans Have an Equal Right to Life?; What if a person agrees that the unborn is biologically human, but thinks that the unborn doesn't share the basic right to life that we have? Read about my conversation with Daniel to find out how I'd respond.
July 2014: "Interns Offer Up Their Loaves and Fishes" - What do ten young people - hailing from Louisiana, Oklahoma, Georgia, Minnesota, and even China - have in common? Find out in this brief newsletter.
June 2014: "Jordan Crosses the Jordan" (Impact Report) - Recently a JFA volunteer named Jordan was inspired to start a conversation with a total stranger without the aid of JFA events or JFA mentors. In this Impact Report, you’ll hear about what motivated Jordan to take this next step of ministry that we call “Repeat Work.”
May 2014: "Go Local. Get Active." - "Basically, I learned how to communicate."... That's what Becca Kohl, the President of the Students For Life club at a local university, said after going through JFA's training program. Read her entire reflection in this newsletter, and see how the experience transformed her whole pro-life club.
April 2014: "Bach: Making Me a Better Ambassador ... and Hopefully Making You a Better One, Too" - What does J.S. Bach have to do with my work at JFA? Find out in this newsletter.
March 2014: "JFA Mentors: Indispensable" (Impact Report) - One of my favorite parts of working with Justice For All is watching students I’ve mentored overcome their fears. In this Impact Report, my colleague Jacob Burow shows the steps JFA mentors take to encourage volunteers — in this case, a young woman named Rebecca.
January 2014: "A Look Back at 2013... and Forward to 2014" - “'Perhaps the best conversationalist in the world is the man who helps others to talk.' ~ John Steinbeck ... This quote is taken from East of Eden, one of the most memorable books I read this year..."
Joanna Bai Newsletters 2013
December 2013: "A Transient, A Teenager, and a Cup of Tea" - "She looked straight at Tim and said, 'I hate you.' Forty-five minutes later the same girl looked at both of us and said,'You are the coolest people I’ve ever met.' What happened here?"
November 2013: "JFA's Three Essential Skills are the Life of the Party" (Impact Report) - "In this letter, Anthony tells about a conversation he had at a party soon after he experienced JFA's training program ... I hope his story motivates you to speak up with humility, even when it feels awkward."
October 2013: "What My Parents and Mother Teresa Have in Common" - "It was arguably the most important day in my life … but I don’t remember it at all."
September 2013: "Taking Paul to Heart" (Impact Report) - "...The Apostle Paul had a heart for seeing Timothy pass on to faithful souls what Paul had taught him. Like Paul, we want to impart our knowledge and wisdom to other capable leaders, such as this class of interns. This Impact Report shows them in action."
August 2013: "The Person In Front of You" - "... Katie and Brad grasped what it takes many pro-lifers years to learn: The person standing in front of us is just as valuable as the unborn humans we seek to protect. We must delight in those with whom we disagree. "
July 2013: "She's Anonymous, But Not Forgotten" - “Amy” has come in for a pregnancy test. She’s quiet, but answers each question about her medical history patiently. I sit in the corner of the room, simply observing and taking notes as the peer counselor, Judy, prepares her for her test result...
June 2013: "One Person at a Time" - How Dannette's unexpected break-room conversation motivated her, encouraged me, and can equip you.
May 2013: "The Power of One" (Impact Report) - Angela tells about her abortion experience and how she's helped others with similar stories find hope and healing.
April 2013: "What Do I Teach?: Pt. II" - What Is the Unborn? ; As different as their positions were on abortion, Janine and Amy were both confused about biology. Their confusion is not unique.
March 2013: "What Do I Teach?: Pt. I" - One Central Question Helps Change a Mind ; How a simple philosophical process can help you bring clarity and focus to a conversation about abortion.
February 2013: "Miriam's Seminar Ends Up in the Abortion Clinic" (Impact Report) - A friend pulled Miriam out of bed one Saturday morning to take her to a JFA training seminar. It was the first in a series of small steps that ultimately led to a big decision—right inside an abortion clinic.
January 2013: "When Do We Learn It?" - For nearly every person I mentor, taking the step to have campus conversations is both the most difficult and the most rewarding part of JFA training. I hope their reflections inspire you to live out your convictions in truth and love.
Joanna Bai Newsletters 2012
December 2012: "You Matter" - At UNT, a student named Chris said to me, "See, I’m a Christian, so I’m personally pro-life. But, I don’t tell other people how they should think. Jesus wouldn’t force his morality on people." In this newsletter, I discuss this very common view... and what Christ himself would think of it.
November 2012: "Carly's Story" - "After telling her story, 'Carly' gave me a huge hug. I was heartbroken for her and for her friend."
November 2012: "The Formula for Saving a Life is SW+FW=RW" (Impact Report) - "I thought of the countless children who would die that day, and I stood my ground." These are the fearless words of a high school senior whose initiative and confidence were cemented by JFA training. In this Impact Report, you’ll learn more about this amazing ambassador for Christ and the life she helped to save.
October 2012: "Which Kind of 'Wrong' is 'Right'?" - Perhaps you've heard the claim, "Its wrong to impose your morality on people." What do people actually mean by that, and how can you respond? I had a conversation about this very topic at our last JFA outreach - and I learned something very important about listening.
September 2012: "Crash Course Training Helps Save a Life" (Impact Report) - Catherine mentored a student named Amanda on-the-spot at a Justice For All outreach at Wichita State University. Amanda immediately then took her training and helped a friend in crisis. The results were life-transforming for more than one person!
August 2012: "Facing Our Fears" - "If you fear discussing controversial subjects, you are not alone. I do it as part of my full-time job, and I still get scared every time..."
July 2012: "Lydia Wants to Save Others From Abortion Too" - Lydia’s next words etched themselves into my heart, "I was actually saved from being aborted. That’s why I’m alive today."
Tammy Cook Newsletter Archive
Missy: (April 2022) Ten Minutes - Short Conversations CAN Make a Difference
Jack: (July 2018) Bearing Unexpected Fruit - A Conversation at Purdue University
Allie, Catie: (June 2018) “It’s My Life, My Choice” - Using JFA’s Three Essential Skills
Daniel: (January 2018) Invisible Pain - How Abortion Affects Men
Laci, Sean: (Nov. 2016) Giving Thanks - Stories of Changed Hearts and Minds
Louis: (July 2016) “I’m Personally Opposed to Abortion, but…”
Rhonda, Nick: (Aug. 2015) The Best Decision or Was It?
Sylvia: (January 2015) Time Travel, Dishwashing, and Biology
Susanna Dirks Newsletter Archive
Kaitlyn Donihue Newsletter Archive
Kaitlyn Donihue Newsletters 2021
February 2021: Bridge to Healing
March 2021: Afraid to Start a Conversation?
July 2021: Don’t Follow the Leader
September 2021: When Three Essential Skills Are Missing
November 2021: Is Truth More Like Math or Ice Cream?
December 2021: Jesus Came in Weakness
Kaitlyn Donihue Newsletters 2020
January 2020: When God's Plan is Different than Ours
February 2020: The Power of Gentleness
April 2020: Outreach Over Instagram
July 2020: Nail Party Evangelism
August 2020: Loving Pro-Choice People
September 2020: God Uses Weakness
December 2020: Grief and Joy at Christmas
Kaitlyn Donihue Newsletters 2018-2019
Rebekah Dyer Newsletter Archive
Grace Fontenot Newsletter Archive
This is Grace Fontenot's Newsletter Archive. Click here to learn more about Grace (Bio / Pictures / Invite Grace to Speak / Support Grace's Work).
Grace Fontenot NEwsletters 2018
December 2018: Reflections on 2018: Relying on Jesus in Ministry
November 2018: “Americans Are Weird!” And Why That’s Fantastic
October 2018: “Loving Every Human Being With JFA” Resource Bulletin
September 2018: Interns in Action (Impact Report)
August 2018: Art and Ali: How kindness can change a conversation
July 2018: Trump, Cuomo, Kavanaugh, and “It’s Her Body” (Introduction to a Series by Steve Wagner)
May 2018: Onward and Upward: Accepting a JFA Staff Position as a Training Specialist
February 2018, March 2018, April 2018
January 2018: We Don't Deserve This (Impact Report)
Grace Fontenot NEwsletters 2017
December 2017: Tough Love - When love is especially difficult, it is especially necessary.
November 2017: In Their Own Words - Quotes from impacted hearts and minds in 2017
October 2017: Two Buckets (Impact Report)
September 2017: A Spirit-Led Conversation - How Silence and Dependence on the Holy Spirit Made a Difference
August 2017: Go Out and Teach All Nations - Helping JFA to Train Thousands Through Speaking
July 2017: A Lightbulb Moment - A Hopeful Message from a Discouraging Conversation
June 2017: Olivia, Kayla, Shannon... and Max - Meeting the Needs of Four Students through Outreach
May 2017: Mentoring the Masses - Helping JFA Equip 124 People as a New Mentor
April 2017: Bryan (Impact Report) - A New Advocate in Forty-Five Minutes
March 2017: Back to Work in Kansas - Training Events at Home & My Ongoing Internship Away
February 2017: Coming Up: JFA Training Events in Louisiana!
Grace Fontenot NEwsletters 2016
November 2016: An Invitation to Support Grace
Holly Fugate (Meath) Newsletter Archive
Holly in conversation with a student at JFA's outreach event at Arizona State University (ASU), February 2014
Following are selections from Holly Fugate's Newsletter Archive. Holly completed a year-long internship with Justice For All in 2014. If you'd like to learn more about Justice For All internships, click here.
Holly Fugate Newsletters 2013
August 2013: Hurdles and Healing - Holly's first internship newsletter describes what it is like to jump right in speaking and mentoring students at Justice For All seminars and outreach events.
September 2013: What Makes Us Equal? - Holly discusses how to defend the right to life of the unborn through a conversation she had with a university student in Kansas.
October 2013: Taking Paul to Heart - This JFA Impact Report gives a glimpse into JFA Summer Internships, through the words of the 2013 summer interns themselves.
December 2013: From "On the Fence" to "On the Front Lines" - Holly shares about a student who was on the fence about abortion. After talking with Holly, this student came to a JFA seminar and outreach event. Read more to see what happened next!
Holly Fugate Newsletters 2014
January 2014: What Would Jesus Say? - Holly gives vivid descriptions of three conversations in which JFA's emphasis on having a Christ-like manner helped pro-choice students be more open to considering a pro-life position.
April 2014: Putting a Face on Abortion - Holly shares from her own experience why graphic images can be helpful in creating heart-changing dialogue about abortion, and how others can share them in their spheres of influence. Warning: Graphic Image Included
May 2014: The Next Step - Holly shares what happened after she did her best to reach a pro-choice student who seemed unwilling to change his view.
June 2014: Moving On - Holly reflects on her internship with Justice For All and the immense value of her year of full-time pro-life work.
Jeremy Gorr Newsletter Archive
This is Jeremy Gorr's Newsletter Archive. Click here to learn more about Jeremy (Bio / Pictures / Invite Jeremy to Speak / Support Jeremy's Work).
December 2021: “I feel equipped and encouraged and even excited”
November 2021: Should We Focus on Abortion More or Less?
October 2021: The End of Roe v. Wade in Texas
June 2021: “This has affected so many people, and they are hurting.”
April 2021: “This outreach had a pretty dramatic impact on my life.”
March 2021: “My Eyes Have Been Opened Even More”
February 2021: What I Learned about Abortion from My Heart Surgery
January 2021: Bridging the Divide (Impact Report from JFA)
August 2020: How Christian Kids Become Pro-Choice (Part 2)
May 2020: Spending Spring Break with JFA
April 2020: Putting a Sparkle Wherever She Goes
February 2020: “I Prefer Plan C: Abortion”
April 2020: “Putting a Sparkle Wherever She Goes”
January 2019: Interns in Action (Impact Report)
February 2019: “I kept telling myself it wasn’t a baby.”
March 2019: You Have to See Firsthand
May 2019: “Thank You So Much for Opening the Dialogue Doors on Campus.”
June 2019: Growing Up with Justice For All
July 2019: “I felt encouraged and empowered to talk to as many people as I can about abortion.”
August 2019: I Didn’t See This Coming (Impact Report)
September 2019: The Power of Common Ground
December 2019: Morgan
January 2018: 2017+ Conversations in 2017 (Impact Report)
February 2018: 15 Minutes Can Change a Mind
March 2018: Three Miracles in One Conversation (Impact Report)
April 2018: Putting a Pebble in Sharon's Shoe
May 2018: We Don't Deserve This (Impact Report)
June 2018: “I Don’t Think That Abortion is Violent.”
July 2018: “I Now Realize What an Impact I Can Make in People’s Lives.”
August 2018: Reaching Pro-Choice Christians (Impact Report)
September 2018: “Life Is Better Than Death”
October 2018: Worth the Interruption
November 2018: “My Mom Wanted to Abort Me.” (Featured Resource)
December 2018: “This Presentation Really Can and Will Change Lives.”
January 2017: Small Decisions and Big Results (Impact Report)
February 2017: To Stop Abortion, We Must Change Minds
March 2017: "This Experience Had a Big Impact on My Life"
April 2017: "You've Got to See This!"
May 2017: "If I were pregnant now, I'd definitely get an abortion!"
June 2017: A New Advocate in Forty-Five Minutes (Impact Report)
August 2017: "If I Support Human Rights, Then I Need to Support the Unborn's Rights Too."
October 2017: The Power of Clarification Questions
November 2017: Two Buckets (Impact Report)
December 2017: This Month - More than 77,000 Killed By Abortion
January 2016: The Student Becomes the Trainer (Impact Report)
February 2016: Finding Common Ground with a Sexpert
March 2016: "I tell myself it's not killing, but deep down I know that it is."
April 2016: Confidence Creates Conversations (Impact Report, written by Jeremy Gorr)
May 2016: "I'm worried that I might be pregnant now and I'm terrified!"
June 2016: The Three Essential Skills Can Move a Conversation from Abortion to Jesus
July 2016: More Conversations and More Advocates (Impact Report)
August 2016: What Can Three Trainers Accomplish in Two Days?
September 2016: Two New Exhibits: A First Look (Impact Report)
October 2016: We Need More than Classroom Training to Make Abortion Unthinkable
November 2016: Megan Schools Her Classmates on Abortion
December 2016: Do I Have Empathy for the Unborn?
January 2015: "You're making a difference."
March 2015: Charity on the Metro (Impact Report)
April 2015: The Approach Makes All the Difference
May 2015: People Do Change Their Minds on Abortion
June 2015: Ready and Eager for the Next Conversation (Impact Report)
July 2015: What I've Learned at JFA Outreach Events
September 2015: One of the Best Investments I've Ever Made
October 2015: Sometimes, Changing Minds is Easy
November 2015: What Would You Say to a Pregnant Woman Considering Abortion at 12 Weeks?
December 2015: "You totally changed my perspective!"
January 2014: The Adventure Begins
July 2014: Abortion will not end until hearts and minds are changed.
November 2014: "I Love Abortion. I've Had Three Myself"
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter and Media Archive
This is the Newsletter and Media Archive of Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke). Click here to learn more about Rebecca (Bio / Pictures / Quotes).
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Media Archive
Life Report Episode: How Should Pro-Lifers Interact with Post-Abortive Women (1 of 2)
Life Report Episode: How Should Pro-Lifers Interact with Post-Abortive Women (2 of 2)
Life Report Episode: How Do You Respond To “Impossible” Pro-Choicers? (1 of 2)
Life Report Episode: How Do You Respond to “Impossible” Pro-Choicers? (2 of 2)
Life Report Episode: How Should Women Be Punished if Abortion Becomes Illegal?
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2022
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2017
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2016
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2015
June: (currently unavailable)
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2014
June: Catherine's Letter: Interns Offer Up Their Loaves and Fishes
October: Impact Report: Crippled By Fear? Rise and Do Feet Work.
November: Executive Letter: JFA Helps Volunteers Escape an "Easy Escape"
December: If Only I'd Taken a Picture (not available online)
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2013
January: Impact Report: Miriam’s Seminar Ends Up in the Abortion Clinic
November: Impact Report: JFA’s Three Essential Skills Are the Life of the Party
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2012
February/March: “To Stand Smack in the Middle of a Dark, Godless Place…”
April/May: Impact Report: Crash-Course Training Helps Save a Life
November/December: Impact Report: The Formula for Saving a Life is SW + FW = RW
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2011
June: “If I Ever Get Pregnant Young… I Would Get An Abortion.”
July: Mom on a Mission (currently unavailable)
Rebecca Hotovy (Haschke) Newsletter Archive - 2010
Paul Kulas Newsletter Archive
Mary Biegler Newsletter Archive
Jon Wagner Newsletter Archive
This is Jon Wagner's Newsletter Archive. Click here to learn more about Jon (Bio / Pictures /Invite Jon to Speak / Support Jon's Work).
Jon Wagner's Favorite Newsletters
April 2015: "Urgency and Compassion: Nancy Needed Both"
February 2014: "Timely Transformation"
December 2012: "Developing Heroes Revisited"
March 2011: "How Would the Good Samaritan Respond"
October 2010: "Ripple Effect in Fresno"
May 2009: "My Long-Term Commitment - Part 1"
June 2009: "My Long-Term Commitment - Part 2"
September 2009: "Becoming Effective in Everyday Life"
September 2008: "Moving on to Better Conversations"
November 2007: "Living Out Our Responsibility"
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2015
January 2015: "Lily or Lilly? How About Both?"
February 2015: "Praises & Prayers as We Enjoy Our Baby"
March 2015: "Charity on the Metro" (Impact Report)
April 2015: "Urgency and Compassion: Nancy Needed Both"
May 2015: "Ready and Eager for the Next Conversation" (Impact Report)
June 2015: "Short-term and Long-term Impact" (including additional information from JFA's CK Wisner)
July 2015: "Progress in Georgia Despite the Weather"
August 2015: "Preparing to Speak the Truth in Love"
September 2015: "Lightbulb in Los Angeles" (Impact Report by CK Wisner)
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2014
January 2014: "My Favorite Quotes from 2013"
February 2014: "Timely Transformation"
March 2014: “JFA Mentors: Indispensable” (Impact Report by JFA's Jacob Burow)
April 2014: Quick Update - “On the Move”
May 2014: “Go Local. Get Active.” (Wagner Three News by JFA’s Joanna Wagner)
June 2014: “Jordan Crosses the Jordan” (Impact Report by JFA’s Steve Wagner)
July 2014: "Four Years Later: Partnership Still Thriving”
Extra - "End Abortion" - Sermon by David Platt (Brook Hills Church Birmingham, AL) This sermon is an amazing balance of truth and love. Take time to be challenged, motivated, and mobilized by this sermon.
August 2014: "You Never Know Until You Try”
September 2014: “Labor Days" (Impact Report)
October 2014: “Justin Opens the Door at UCCS!"
November 2014: “Crippled By Fear? Rise Up and Do Feet Work." (Impact Report)
December 2014: "JFA Helps Volunteers Escape and 'Easy Escape'"(JFA Report from Executive Director Steve Wagner)
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2013
January 2013: "Justice For All Pro-life Camp in Texas”
February 2013: "Miriam's Seminar Ends Up In The Abortion Clinic" (Impact Report by JFA’s Stephen Wagner)
March 2013: "JFA Trainees Transformed"
April 2013: “A Different Kind of Spring Break Pt. 1”
May 2013: "The Power of One" (Impact Report by JFA's John Michener)
June 2013: "A Different Kind of Spring Break Pt. 2"
July 2013: "Colorado Events Strengthened by New Partnership”
August 2013: "Diving Right In"
September 2013: “Taking Paul to Heart” (Impact Report by JFA's Catherine Wurts)
October 2013: "Focusing in on Kansas"
November 2013: "JFA's Three Essential Skills Are the Life of the Party" (Impact Report by JFA’s Steve Wagner)
December 2013: "Major(ly exciting) Changes Ahead"
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2012
January 2012: "Dedicated Helpers Empower JFA"
February 2012: "Truth in Art: JFA's Dialogue Tools, Old and New" (Content from several JFA staff)
March 2012: "Rice's Role Changes”
Extra - Generation Impact article I was featured in at
April 2012: "Crash Course Training Helps Save a Life" (Impact Report by JFA’s Catherine Wurts)
May 2012: "Spring Report - Arizona and Georgia"
June 2012: "Colorado and California--Spring Report #2"
July 2012: "From Mum to Mom" (Impact Report by JFA’s John Michener)
August 2012: "Reaching Wichita and Beyond”
September 2012: "Mission Trips--Catalysts for Change" (Impact Report by JFA’s John Michener)
October 2012: "Fall is Full of Promise"
November 2012: "The Formula For Saving a Life..." (Impact Report by JFA’s John Michener)
December 2012: "Providing a Way for the Willing" (related letter below)
Extra - Developing Heroes Revisited
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2011
January 2011: “Don't Miss This Free Offer"
February 2011: “You Gotta Be KIDding Me"
March 2011: "How Would the Good Samaritan Respond"
April 2011: "JFA Training: The Big Picture"
May 2011: "A Different Kind of Conversation"
June 2011: "Our Role Increases in Georgia!"
July 2011: "These Siblings Stepped Up!"
August 2011: "Best Email In 5 Years"
September 2011: "Lessons to Take into Fall"
October 2011: "JFA's Impact Felt Overseas!" (Impact Report by JFA’s Catherine Wurts)
November 2011: "North Texas Highlights" (w/reflection linked)
December 2011: "One Conversation Reaches an Entire Campus" (article linked below)
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2010
January 2010: “Raising the Bar in Oklahoma Pt. 1”
February 2010: “Raising the Bar in Oklahoma Pt. 2”
March 2010: "Her Influence Continues!”
April 2010: "'I'll Change' May Transform An Entire Family”
May 2010: “I Got to See Eva Grace!”
June 2010: “Against All Odds in Colorado”
July 2010: “Perhaps it Was the Picture”
August 2010: “Helping Kim Find Healing”
September 2010: “Host Families: Blessing JFA Staff and Increasing Our Effectiveness”
October 2010: “Ripple Effect in Fresno”
November 2010: “Training Future Leaders”
December 2010: “We Trained Over 1,200 People This Year!”
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2009
January 2009: “Developing Heroes Instead of Spectators Pt. 2”
February 2009: “Developing Heroes Instead of Spectators Pt. 3”
March 2009: “Abby Will Never Be the Same”
April 2009: “Four Years Later: The Same Mission”
May 2009: “My Long-Term Commitment Pt. 1”
June 2009: “My Long-Term Commitment Pt. 2”
July 2009: “One of Our Best Partnerships”
August 2009: “Second Time’s A Charm For Sarah”
September 2009: “Becoming Effective in Everyday Life”
October 2009: “Kansas Students at a Crossroads”
November 2009: “Ready or Not?”
December 2009: “David is Ready to Serve”
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2008
January 2008: “Ready to Grow as a Pro-life Ambassador This Spring?”
February 2008: “Impacting Those Who in Turn Impact Others Pt. 2”
March 2008: “Taking the Next Step”
April 2008: “Learning From History to Transform Lives Today Pt. 1”
May 2008: “Learning From History to Transform Lives Today Pt. 2”
June 2008: “Make An Impact This Summer”
July 2008: “Area Ambassadors Strengthen JFA Outreach”
August 2008: “Biology 101 at the JFA Outreach”
September 2008: “Moving on to Better Conversations”
October 2008: “Tackling the Toughest Case”
November 2008: “When Fear Gives Way to Faith”
December 2008: “Developing Heroes Instead of Spectators Pt. 1”
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2007
January 2007: “These Guys Get It”
February/March 2007: “Finally Here!”
April 2007: “What Kind of Extremist Are You?”
May 2007: “Maximize Every Conversation”
June 2007: “Family and Friends: My Co-Ambassadors”
July 2007: “Four Reasons Georgia Rocked”
August 2007: “Bethany Graduates With Honors”
September 2007: “Are Abortion Visuals Really Necessary”
October 2007: “Preparing Front Range For the Front Lines”
November 2007: “Living Out Our Responsibility”
December 2007: “Impacting Those Who in Turn Impact Others Pt. 1”
Jon Wagner Newsletters 2006
November 2006: Jonathan Wagner's Original Support Letter for JFA work
Steve Wagner Newsletter Archive
CK Wisner Newsletter Archive
This is CK Wisner's Newsletter Archive. Click here to learn more about CK.
Tammy Cook reflects on 28 years with JFA.