Bridge to Healing — Justice For All

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Bridge to Healing: A Practical Guide for Helping Women with Abortion in their Past

by Kaitlyn Donihue

A Short Introduction from the Author

Not long ago, I had a conversation with a woman after speaking at her church.

She shared, “My sister had an abortion when she was a teenager. She’s still hurting, and I’m hurting, too, even though it was a long time ago.”

The pain in her voice was obvious. The hurt was still there even after 30 years.

“How can I help her?” she went on. “She won’t talk about it, but it’s obvious she is still hurting.”

Over the past several years, I have had several conversations like this one. Many have shared with me about their loved one’s abortion and how much it has affected her and how deeply she is suffering. The question is always the same: “How can I reach out without adding to her pain?”

This question bothered me because I didn’t have good answers to it. I began talking to women with abortion in their past and asking them questions about their healing journeys. They shared a lot of helpful wisdom about how to reach out to someone who is hurting after abortion.

Drawing on all of the wisdom they shared with me over hours and hours of conversations, I put together a resource called, Bridge to Healing: A Practical Guide for Helping Women with Abortion in their Past. You can view or download this resource as well as request printed copies for free using the links above.

I hope that you will take the time to check it out and also pass it on to others.

In the United States today, nearly one in four women will have an abortion at some point in her life. We all know someone who is suffering because of a past abortion. It is my hope that we would learn how to share the message of Christ’s mercy and forgiveness with these precious men and women, helping them to find healing and hope.

-Kaitlyn Donihue