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 Joanna Bai

Joanna Bai started volunteering with Justice For All at the age of 17. A few years later, while studying sociology at Wheaton College, she felt burdened to motivate and equip fellow Christian students to defend the unborn. In 2010, she was instrumental in reviving the Wheaton College Voice For Life club, providing training and volunteer opportunities to her peers. From 2012-2016, Joanna worked full-time as a JFA speaker and mentor, leading the JFA team during many seminar and outreach events. She then served as a part-time publications editor and website manager from 2016-2022.

Hannah Cook

Hannah Cook served as an intern in Wichita in fall 2022 and is participating in campus outreach as a volunteer in 2023. She is a native of Idaho.

Grace Fontenot

Staff, 2016-2019 // Volunteer, 2020-present

Grace Fontenot interacts with a student at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas, in September 2016.

Grace Fontenot is a passionate advocate for people, and especially for women and children who are forgotten.  She envisions a world in which every woman is valued, treated equally to men, and protected from assault, and in which unborn children are loved and protected from abortion. 

Grace served as a JFA intern in 2016-2017 and as a JFA trainer from 2017-2019.  During her tenure at JFA she spent hundreds of hours in dialogue with pro-choice advocates.  Grace's work was featured in JFA's November 2016 Impact Report, "Small Decisions and Big Results," and JFA's April 2017 Impact Report, "Bryan:  A New Advocate in Forty-Five Minutes." One seminar participant in 2017, Olivia, said, “Grace was a fantastic leader! She pushed us and grew us through that, while creating an environment that was safe-and okay to mess up in.” In 2020, Grace left JFA to pursue other passions.  She plans to continue participating in JFA events as she’s able in the future.  Please pray with us for Grace and for God’s help and guidance as she continues to create conversations in her everyday life. 

Bubba Garrett

Volunteer 2002-2005 / Dialogue Specialist, 2006-2018 / Independent Outreach Partner 2019

After having served on JFA’s staff from 2006-2018, Bubba Garrett continued to partner with JFA as an independent dialogue artist over the next year during JFA outreach events.

Bubba regularly engaged college students in conversations about abortion since shortly after he began serving in full-time pro-life work in 2001.  Since then he has logged thousands of hours of outreach on over 50 university campuses.

Bubba is eager to reach out to students who need Christ and the truth about human value. He also brings a servant’s heart and a hearty work ethic to thankless tasks, such as hauling sand bags and carrying aluminum pipe, and along with JFA, he serves as a volunteer for a number of other pro-life organizations.  In all of this, he serves the Lord Jesus Christ as if his life depended on it. He was a captain in the United States Marine Corps, serving from 1974-1980, a manager in the corporate world, and was the Executive Director of a Christian mission in downtown Birmingham, Alabama.  He holds B.A. degrees in Biology and History from Huntingdon College as well as a B.S. in Health, Recreation, and Sports from the University of West Florida.  

Bubba is a father of three biological children and during three years of service at a children's home, he and his wife cared for six additional children with whom they still keep in touch.  He especially enjoys being a granddad and reminding people of how wonderful his wife is for being so patient with him throughout "51 glorious years" of marriage.  In his free time, you might find Bubba reading and biking all over his home state of Alabama, but not at the same time.

Bubba Garrett has a habit of looking people in the eye so that they can’t miss the fact that he is enjoying their presence and their story, but he also has the courage to speak truth, confident that it will find its way home to the heart.
— JFA Staff Colleague

Eva Heath

Eva served faithfully as Justice For All's Office Manager from 2005 until she retired in 2024. She remains a beloved member of the JFA community. Read more about her story and what God has done through her in our July 2024 Impact Report.

Catherine Wurts

Volunteer, 2006-2008 // Staff, 2009-2017

When Catherine first visited a JFA outreach event, she intended to not talk to anyone. But after a couple of hours of listening in on conversations, she saw students’ wheels turning simply because JFA staff and volunteers were asking them questions. She finally got up the courage to ask someone what he thought and ended up having ten conversations that day!  A few years later she was raising her support to work full-time with Justice For All.

During more than eight years on staff with JFA, Catherine served as a dialogue artist who created thousands of conversations with pro-choice advocates, and she served as a mentor for thousands of pro-life participants in JFA's Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue Training Program.  She led Justice For All’s Trainer Certification Program for three years, strengthening JFA’s team of speakers and mentors with her gifts of encouragement and gentle critique.  She also served as JFA's Intern Recruiter.  

In 2017, Catherine left JFA to pursue graduate studies.  We are confident that wherever she goes, she will create conversations and help each person grasp more clearly his value as a human being made in the image of God as well as the value of every other human being.  Please pray with us for Catherine for God's help and guidance as she enters this new phase in her life and continues to create conversations wherever she goes!

Moriah Newhouse

After serving as a JFA volunteer over many years, Moriah completed a six-month JFA internship in the spring of 2017.  You can read about her internship experience in her newsletters (linked below).

Are you interested in making internships possible for others like Moriah?  Learn about supporting the Intern Scholarship Fund here.  Are you interested in becoming a JFA intern? Fill out this form for more information.

Jordan Newhouse

Jordan Newhouse has been actively pro-life since 2009, when she attended her first Justice For All seminar and outreach event. Not only has she conversed with hundreds of pro-choice advocates on university campuses and at other pro-life outreach events, but she tries to help everyone she comes in contact with - family, friends, and strangers alike - to see the value of tiny humans. When her brothers Daniel and Joshua were eight and seven years old respectively, they were learning about identical twins. Daniel was describing how the cells multiply and then split when Joshua broke in to say, "Not cells -humans!"

Jordan Newhouse served as a Justice For All Intern from 2014 to 2015, and she continues to serve as a volunteer for JFA. You can find out more about Jordan at her blog and at the site devoted to her new project.

Bella O’Neill

Bella O’Neill served as a JFA intern in 2021-2022.

Bella is pictured in conversation with a student at JFA’s University of Oklahoma outreach in October 2021.

Bella’s family and community celebrated life and imparted to her a deep love for all children, including the unborn. When Bella was a child, her grandmother would take her to prayer rallies, protests, and marches dedicated to ending abortion. These events became pivotal because they exposed the urgency and polarization of abortion. Bella became unapologetically vocal about her beliefs, and she interacted with many people who disagreed with her. Hearing their challenges only strengthened her convictions and motivated her to seek deeper reasons for her pro-life beliefs.

After graduating high school, Bella’s love for human life and the unborn compelled her to answer the calling to full-time, pro-life ministry. She has dedicated this season of her life to reaching out to pro-choice advocates, helping them to seriously consider both the truth about abortion and the truth about Jesus. She’s visited seven campuses this last fall, starting conversations with many pro-choice people.

She is passionate about communication and loving those who disagree. She noted, “We have to begin our conversation not as two pawns in a political game of winners and losers, but as two individuals seeking truth, peace, and justice together.”


Interns in Action, Part I

CK Wisner

As a training specialist with Justice For All since 2013, CK Wisner has created hundreds of conversations about abortion during more than 50 days of outreach on university campuses including the University of California at Los Angeles, Arizona State University, Wichita State University, and the University of Oklahoma.  She comes alive when she is able to share with someone in a caring way, yet still speak boldly and challenge them to know the truth, even if it’s unfashionable.  Whether its a large group she's addressing or a student she's mentoring one-to-one, people enjoy CK's personal anecdotes and good humor.

When CK attended a Justice For All presentation in 2011, she felt for the first time that she was equipped to do something about the injustice of abortion. Less than a year later, she was participating in an outreach at the University of Kansas by having productive conversations about abortion and listening to the stories of the students. She credits her ability to jump right into outreach conversations to the good training she had received from JFA and because she trusted God to provide whatever else she needed in the moment. That campus experience left her knowing she could never go back to being silent and that there are many hurting people who need to know they are loved.

CK served on JFA’s training team from 2013-2016. CK intends to continue to volunteer with JFA in the future.