A Special Kind of Conversation...with an Audience.
JFA speakers give engaging presentations to equip audiences of all ages to change hearts and minds on abortion. Each of JFA's speakers brings a wealth of personal stories from hundreds of conversations he or she has had with people who disagree. JFA's speakers are also trained to teach interactively and to engage both small and large groups with advanced educational methods. We not only speak from experience, but we also share our stories in a way that moves the intellect as well as the heart. No matter the venue, we teach in a way that prepares listeners to engage in conversation immediately.
JFA Speakers
JFA Webinars
Love3 - An OnLine Interactive Workshop Series
Love3 is a series of seven online interactive workshops from JFA. Each hour-long session will help you to have a productive conversation on one topic related to abortion. After a short lecture, you will role-play a conversation in a safe environment and interact with JFA trainers through Q&A. Then you will receive a conversation starter you can use to immediately put into practice what you’ve learned. Click here to learn more about the content for each session, see dates/times currently offered, and register.
“Having been in the pro-life movement since 1980, this training is nothing like I’ve ever experienced. At our local [pregnancy] center, we are making it essential for our Client Advocates (in addition to their regular training). ”
A New Roadmap for Conversations about Abortion (Webinar with Q&A)
Justice For All (JFA) trainers prepare participants to engage friends, family, and others in conversation about unintended pregnancy and abortion. The goal? Change hearts and save lives. The means? Love the woman, the child, and the person who disagrees with us equally at every moment of the conversation. Presenters will share practical tips from hundreds of conversations they've had with advocates of legal abortion as well as links to free materials that will help you start the conversation and make it productive. Includes a Q&A time when participants are invited to submit questions to the presenters.
taking Abortion from Debate to Dialogue (Workshop)
Are you afraid to open your mouth when the topic of abortion comes up? Do you want to defend the unborn, but you also care about the women and men struggling with unplanned pregnancies? This workshop will give you the basic skills you need to make any conversation about abortion more productive and even enjoyable for everyone involved. You'll learn simple tools for keeping the conversation on track and for keeping things civilized. You'll also leave the workshop with tools for starting the conversation about abortion with friends and family in a way that isn't offensive or awkward. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your ability to change hearts and save lives! Includes interactive activities. [Alternate title: How to Create Conversations about Abortion that Change Hearts and Minds]
JFA Presentations
Facing Abortion
Through striking visual imagery and the stories of Amanda, Clint, Emmett, and one very heartbroken woman, a JFA trainer will help the audience begin to face the reality of how abortion impacts the lives of human beings inside and outside the womb. This presentation includes video of the results of abortion, but those visuals are shown with a warning and great sensitivity for women and men who have abortion in their past. The presentation also includes video images of the unborn in the womb at nine weeks.
Reaching Hearts and Minds on Abortion
This presentation gives the basics of learning to talk about abortion in a way that's helpful and productive. The JFA trainer will include stories from conversations with pro-choice advocates, arguments for the value of the unborn, as well as an emphasis on listening to understand, asking questions with an open heart, and finding common ground when possible.
JFA Workshops and Seminars
How to Create Conversations that Change Hearts and Minds (Workshop)
Are you afraid to open your mouth when the topic of abortion comes up? Do you want to defend the unborn, but you also care about the women and men struggling with unplanned pregnancies? This workshop will give you the basic skills you need to make any conversation about abortion more productive and even enjoyable for everyone involved. You'll learn simple tools for keeping the conversation on track and for keeping things civilized. You'll also leave the workshop with tools for starting the conversation about abortion with friends and family in a way that isn't offensive or awkward. Don't miss this opportunity to grow in your ability to change hearts and save lives! [Alternate title: Taking Abortion from Debate to Dialogue]
Training Specialist
(Lincoln, NE)