Love 3 Online Workshops — Justice For All

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I will forever be grateful for the Love 3 Workshop. It is giving me not only very helpful information and honest facts but most importantly, the skills to learn how to have a calm, respectful, different kind of conversation about abortion in a way that can truly change a person’s mind and heart toward the unborn. Please, please sign up to take this class. I guarantee you will not regret it!
— Emma, Love3 Participant, 2021

Learn to Navigate Abortion Conversations in a Safe Environment

In abortion conversations, some people think you can love the woman in distress or the unborn or the person with whom you’re speaking. This is an unnecessary and dangerous division. Instead, you can “Love 3.”

With JFA’s Love3 Interactive Online Workshops, you can learn to create conversations in which you love the woman, the child, and the person who disagrees with you equally at every moment of every conversation. Experience the thrill of creating a productive conversation with at least one pro-choice advocate within one week of the end of the workshop series. This is the flagship training program of Justice For All (JFA), converted to an online format so anyone anywhere in the world can participate!


  • Who: Christians and other pro-life advocates, ages 12 and up*

  • What: This live online interactive workshop series will help you learn to navigate any abortion conversation with grace.**

  • When: See the Calendar page for dates and times.

  • Format and Content: During seven one-hour sessions on Zoom, JFA’s dialogue artists teach you to navigate seven common questions related to abortion through a short lecture, role-playing in a safe environment, interactive Q&A, and a conversation starter you can use to put what you’ve learned into practice. Register for login information and materials.

  • Distinctive: Experience JFA’s interactive training with personal mentoring from JFA dialogue artists. Each session includes a short lecture, role-playing in a safe environment, interactive Q&A, and a conversation starter you can use to put what you’ve learned into practice.

  • Flexible, Convenient Options: The workshop is made up of a total of 7 one-hour interactive sessions. You can register for the 7-week option, which gives you one hour of training each week. You can also register for additional options which combine sessions to give you the same training content in fewer days (3 Days, 4 Days, 3 Weeks). See below for how all of the options are arranged. These sessions will be conducted using Zoom Meetings. (Register for login information and materials.) We’ve made many options available, so if you can’t participate in one day/hour from your series, you can pick it up during one of the others (or request a make-up session).

  • Why: Unborn children and their mothers are depending on you and me to create thousands of conversations in everyday life, conversations that are essential for changing public opinion and, ultimately, public policy.

  • Cost: Free

Links: Overview / Who / Content / New Name / Dates & Times / Session Topics / Instructors / Mentoring / Testimonies / Promotional Tools / Register

*Who Should Register?

This series is designed for Christians and other pro-life advocates, ages 12 and up, but pro-choice advocates and those unsure of what they think about legal abortion are also very welcome. Younger students also welcome, but parental participation is encouraged.


This live online interactive workshop series will help you learn to navigate any abortion conversation with grace. Learn from expert dialogue artists in a safe environment. You won't be put on the spot, but we will give you interactive role-play exercises to complete so that you can "learn by doing." JFA trainers will respond to your questions in each session. Use our step-by-step instructions to experience the thrill of creating a productive conversation with at least one pro-choice advocate within one week of the end of the workshop series. Previously titled “7 Conversations in 7 Hours,” this workshop series features the latest versions of JFA’s acclaimed “Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue” conversation training. Enjoy newly revised material on defending the equal rights of the unborn, the question of rape, the woman’s right to her body, and other topics.

See details about the seven session topics below.

Links: Overview / Who / Content / Dates & Times / Session Topics / Instructors / Mentoring / Testimonies / Promotional Tools / Register

Love3 Workshop SERIES And Other Online Offerings - Dates and Times

JFA offers the Love3 Online Workshop Series in multiple convenient formats, allowing you to complete the training in 7 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 days, or 3 days. These sessions will be conducted using Zoom Meetings. (Register for login information and materials.) Find current offerings below, along with other shorter online offerings covering a portion of the Love3 content:

Love3 Workshop Makeup Sessions: If you missed a session in your series, don’t worry! You can pick up the session(s) you missed during any scheduled upcoming Love3 event. Email our webinar admin (webinars at with questions or for help finding a make-up session.

Webinar Questions: Call/Text 316-512-1115 (or email webinars at for prompt service.

Links: Overview / Who / Content / Dates & Times / Session Topics / Instructors / Mentoring / Testimonies / Promotional Tools / Register

Love3 Workshop Topics - Seven Hour-Long Sessions

  1. Three Essential Skills: You can start a conversation and keep it productive using just three skills: listening to understand, asking questions with an open heart, and finding common ground when possible. This session can help you with conversations on any topic!

  2. Are Images Helpful? Learn to use images appropriately and sensitively in order to help people face the reality of abortion. Learn to use JFA’s “Invitation to Dialogue” Brochure (digital version and paper version) to guide a conversation.

  3. One Central Question: Focus on the question, “What is the unborn?” and defend the idea that the unborn is a living human organism biologically.

  4. The Equal Rights Mystery: Many people are unsure if the unborn are persons or have equal rights to the rest of us. We train you in this session to navigate that conversation beginning with the common ground of the Equal Rights Mystery.

  5. The Question of Rape: Some think the toughest thing about the question of rape is answering the intellectual challenges, including, “Is abortion right or wrong in the case of rape? Should it be legal in the case of rape?” We prepare you for these challenges, but we help you meet another challenge that's more important first: the relational challenge.

  6. Do Bodily Rights Mean Abortion Is Okay? Many people say that a woman should have a right to do what she wants with her body. This session features our surprising response to this argument.

  7. Threats to the Pregnant Mother's Life, Back-Alley Abortion, and “Personally Opposed but It Should Stay Legal” Plus Q&A: During this session, we help participants respond to these three common questions/arguments, and we answer participant questions.

Links: Overview / Who / Content / Dates & Times / Session Topics / Instructors / Mentoring / Testimonies / Promotional Tools / Register


Your instructors are JFA trainers who collectively have logged thousands of hours of conversations with pro-choice advocates.

Love3 Online Mentoring Sessions

During every hour-long Love3 Online Mentoring session, JFA’s expert dialogue artists have one goal: help you create your first or next conversation about abortion. In addition to the featured activity of the session (captured by the title), your mentor will always answer questions you have from your recent JFA conversations or events, give tips for starting conversations, and discuss the specific challenges you're facing with starting conversations. Your mentor may also share sample dialogues not included in Love3

Register here for Zoom Login Information. (Feel free to sign up for more than one of these by filling out the Register form multiple times.)

Note about Prerequisites: JFA mentoring sessions are offered especially for those who have attended at least four out of seven Love3 Workshop Sessions (or "7 Conversations"), a JFA Seminar, or a JFA outreach event. If you attended less than four hours of an online workshop or a shorter in-person event, you are welcome to register for mentoring, but we suggest signing up for Love3 Online Workshops first. For more information, see “Mentoring Sessions - Details” below.

Online Mentoring Details (Current Offerings)

Online Mentor Session with JFA Trainers

This session is like an “office hours” session with JFA trainers. During the session, your JFA mentor will give a special focus to walking you step-by-step through the process of creating a conversation using one particular tool. You can bring questions to the session, and you can also ask about specific circumstances in your sphere of influence or community in which you’re aiming to get conversations started. Our goal with these sessions is to encourage you and equip you to take a next step and create conversations to change hearts and minds about abortion.

In some sessions, your mentor will even get into a conversation while participants watch. Your mentor may also include some role-play to give 2-3 volunteers a chance to try their conversation skills in preparation for their next conversation. (Participants can volunteer or just observe.) Seating is limited. Register to Reserve Your Spot and Receive Zoom Login Information Now.

Please Note: For multiple reasons, we only run these mentoring sessions if a minimum number of participants register, so please be understanding if you saw a session advertised but it is no longer listed, or if you have registered and then we inform you that session is cancelled due to low interest.  If we need to cancel a mentoring session for which you have registered, we generally inform you by email one week in advance and encourage you to register for another available session.  If the other available sessions don't work for you, please request a date/time that does, and we will take it into consideration as we plan future online mentoring sessions.

See Current Offerings on the Event Calendar.

Testimonies from Love3 Participants

Having been active in the pro-life cause for many years, I knew the importance of being able to articulate the truth with charity. When I came across this training, I was stunned at how engaging and effective it was in helping me to dialogue with kindness, attention and facts. After completing this course, I felt more encouraged to speak up about my beliefs but in a charitable, relational manner. I believe this course is essential for anyone who wants to have conversations about abortion. I think that when we are equipped with knowledge and are motivated by love, we can truly change hearts and minds. This course gives you the knowledge and appreciation for listening to understand, asking questions with an open heart and finding common ground. I am confident now to have those conversations with anyone. Parents need this training to have conversations with their children and teens need this training so they can have these conversations with their friends. When this happens, hearts and minds will truly change to respect and protect the dignity of all women and their unborn children.
— Geneva, JFA Online Workshop Participant
This was such a good life-changing course. It opened my eyes to the power we each have to start meaningful conversations that can change the tide of our pro-abortion culture. This is very needed!
— Mary, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
Thank you so much for putting on the [JFA Workshop Series] virtually. Ever since my wife became pregnant, both her and I have truly felt called to speak out against abortion. We were always against it before that, but we were eating brunch together after Mass one day when my wife broke into tears. She realized how atrocious and frequent abortions were occurring. I had a similar overwhelming feeling, a feeling that we just weren’t doing enough and had a duty to do something more. I did a lot of studying and consumed every page of Trent Horn’s “Persuasive Pro-Life,” along with listening to many debates and participating in arguments online via reddit and Facebook. I shared these ideas and arguments with my wife, and we both became very outspoken with friends and family about abortion. A recurring theme we found was that people weren’t listening or considering what I thought were logically sound arguments against abortion. Being a logical person, this just frustrated me to no end. When I heard about the [JFA Online Workshop Series], I was delighted to enroll with my wife. We attended in the evenings with our newly born son. One of the key take-aways I learned from the series was how to actually connect with people, to listen to them, and treat them with charity and kindness. This approach helped me have serious conversations about abortion with a close family member, and I believe I’ve started to change their mind gradually. This is a great series that I would love to bring to our church.
— Michael, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
Having been in the pro-life movement since 1980, this training is nothing like I’ve ever experienced. At our local [pregnancy] center, we are making it essential for our Client Advocates (in addition to their regular training).
— Mike Brady, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
JFA’s [Online Workshop Series] was extremely helpful in giving me a useful toolset for talking about the pro-life issue as a dialogue, rather than a debate. They gave some really practical points to consider and allowed us opportunities to practice with each other. I totally recommend this for anyone who wants to share the pro-life position while showing every individual love and respect.
— Alena, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
Oh my goodness…I love, love, love these conferences. I wish more people could attend. How many years have I been involved in pro-life? 30? 40? And I am learning so much from you all!
— Sheila, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
If you have even one hour to spend attending this free workshop, it is absolutely worth your time. (But you will want to attend all seven sessions!)

It is training in how to have a productive conversation about abortion. You first learn and practice “Three Essential Skills” that are very simple, powerful, yet do not come naturally. (That’s why the training is so important!) I guarantee if you have ever had a conversation that felt like a debate and made you or the other person feel frustrated, exasperated, angry, unheard, accused, etc., you were not using these skills. They really change the game: and you learn them in the first session. Even if I hadn’t continued for the following sessions week after week, learning those basics was such a blessing — not only for conversations about Life, but for any conversation surrounding a disagreement. (Very good for marriage! And life in our country in general right now!)

I believe this is essential training for anyone who believes in the value of human life. We are all being called by God to help others move toward truth, each of us in our own way. Some of us hate having arguments and thus avoid these topics. Some of us don’t mind arguments, but in our zeal may drive others even further from the truth, which is tragic. This training is for all types of personalities and would be helpful to everyone. It is very interactive, but participants are guided (not put on the spot), so it is not intimidating at all. The handouts provided are also very helpful; I have continued to reference and review them since completing the course.
— Selina, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
Some of the best training I’ve received in a long time. The sessions [were] well presented with good logical and useful information. Instructors were second to none and were willing to listen and take time after [each] session to have a Q&A for things that weren’t covered during the session. I would recommend this training for anybody who is pro-life.
— Robert, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020
My eyes were opened through the excellent Justice for All [Online Workshop Series]. As a result of the training, I now feel more confident in responding to pro-choice advocates and conducting non-confrontational fact-based discussions and conversations.
— Tim, JFA Online Workshop Participant, 2020

Promotional Tools: Invite Others to Love3


Photo Credits in Order of Appearance: Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash / Kevin Laminto on Unsplash / Trung Thanh on Unsplash