Abortion: From Debate to Dialogue
An Interactive Seminar
Sunday, March 2, 2025 | 1 - 5 PM
Mission Hills Church, 400 Mission Hills Ct. San Marcos, CA 92069, Room 104 (downstairs)
Check-in starts at 12:30 PM. Pizza lunch provided.
Cost: Free (Bring a friend!)
Note: Can't make it to the entire event? While participants find it most helpful to experience the whole training sequence, you can still benefit greatly if you can only attend a portion. You are welcome to come late or leave early. Please register!
Learn how to generate light, not heat, in your conversations about abortion.
Relational Approach
Our experienced trainers will teach you how to discuss the issue of abortion with relational sensitivity, helping you have meaningful conversations with a lasting impact.
Distinctive Training
This mentor-guided experience goes beyond theoretical knowledge. We emphasize learning by doing through interactive role-play exercises to prepare you for your next conversation.
Whether you’re new to the dialogue or looking to sharpen your skills…
Our team will equip you to answer tough pro-choice objections related to financial hardship, quality of life, the science of when life begins, whether the unborn have basic equal rights, pregnancy resulting from sexual assault — and more. Everything we teach is within the context of being a good ambassador for Christ, showing love and compassion every step of the way.
““Last school year I had the opportunity of attending a JFA workshop… I cannot even begin to describe the ways we’ve seen hearts changed and fruitful convos had. I’m beyond grateful for all the skills because they truly have been transformative in the way we connect with our peers!””
““I thought I knew a lot about discussing abortion, but this seminar really opened my eyes to some key concepts I was missing.””
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Event Web Page: jfaweb.org/cal/03-02-25-ca
Since 2016, Rebekah has logged over 1,000 conversations with people on over 30 college campuses in the United States. She serves as a Training Specialist with Justice For All in San Diego, California.